LETTER TO THE PROVINCIAL COMRADES 1) -We should not dig up old stories to make new cases


Just 2 weeks after President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of Independence, giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, on September 2, 1945, 2 weeks later, on September 17, 1945, President Ho Chi Minh President Ho Chi Minh had to write this letter “To the comrades of the home province” – that is, Nghe An province, the hometown of President Ho Chi Minh, to rectify a series of extreme actions that occurred in the province Nghe An, Ho Chi Minh’s hometown.

Nghe An is a province with a revolutionary tradition, the most loyal officials to the Party often come from Nghe An, police officers, the Police Department protecting leaders, special forces, are often chosen from Nghe An, Thanh Hoa, Ha Tinh, Thai Binh provinces.

But the more revolutionary and loyal we are to the Party, the easier it is to commit extreme and wrong actions, wrongly arrest people, wrongly and unjustly imprison, beat, and confiscate people’s property.

Therefore, President Ho Chi Minh had to write this letter “To the comrades of the province“.

I am- W. Minh Tuan – also from Nghe An, have parents, cousins who are from Nghe An, and many people work in important State agencies, so I understand very well the spirit of revolution of the Nghe An people, my hometown.

That boundless revolutionary spirit of the “My dear Nghe Tinh” people has created a class of loyal cadres as follows, which was “praised” by the people in rhymes, and read by comrade Vu Mao, former Member of the Party Central Committee, former Head of the National Assembly Office, once read this rhyme to us journalists, during several National Assembly sessions in Hanoi a long time ago, as follows:

“Move forward,

We determine to move forward,

Moving forward, we are determined to move to the first top,

Leading the top, then where to go?

No matter where we go, we don’t need to know,

Just let’s go first”.///


LETTER TO THE PROVINCIAL COMrades 1) -We should not dig up old stories to make new cases

Hanoi, September 17, 1945

To comrades from the province 2),

(After watching, remember to pass it on to those who have downgraded to level 3).


In this letter, I do not use the name of the Chairman of the Government, but only write in the name of an old comrade to share some experiences with comrades.

  1. This successful national revolution has great significance that we need to clearly recognize. The meaning is: in a very short time, we have destroyed the authoritarian monarchy of several thousand years.

We have overthrown the domination of two imperialists: France and Japan.

We have established a Democratic Republic.

It was a victory never seen before in our country’s history.

  1. Why was there that victory?

Partly because the international situation is convenient for us. Especially because of the force of national unity. All ethnic groups, classes, localities, and religions rose up under the Viet Minh flag to fight for independence for the Fatherland.

The entire people’s force is the greatest force of all. No one can defeat that force.

  1. The sabotage work is finished. Now the first step is cleaning, arranging, preserving, and constructing. Ah! This is difficult!

In sabotaging against enemies demanding independence, it is easy to involve the entire population.

In construction, it is more difficult to pull, because it affects the private interests of a couple 4) in the country.

Furthermore, we must honestly admit that our experience is limited, our talent is lacking, and there are many jobs: military, diplomatic, financial…, hundreds of thousands of jobs, are all new things for us.

There is also the danger of foreign invasion and the internal political situation.

  1. It’s difficult, but we are determined; If we work and study, especially if we try to follow the Government’s policies, we will definitely overcome all those difficulties.

In short, the Government’s policy is:

– Strengthen the solidarity of the entire people.

– Correct shortcomings in all aspects.

    1. In localities, the biggest shortcomings are:

a) Tendency to be narrow-minded and make excuses. Everything was done by the Viet Minh people, who did not know how to bring in local famous or talented people to help.

  1. b) Abuse of punishment. Those who betray the country have clear evidence and must be punished. But we should not dig up old stories to make new cases.

For those who are not very dangerous, we should use a policy of sensitization and tolerance, we should not arrest arbitrarily, we should not confiscate unjustly, making people terrified. 5).

    1. c)

Discipline is not strict enough

    1. . Let those impersonating the Government or the Viet Minh bully the people, extort money from the people, take their belongings, and create resentment among the people.

d) Prevent corruption

    . Many of our officers are “dedicated” and extremely loyal to their duties, to the Government, and to the nation.

But there are also corrupt people, pretending to be revolutionary officials, or acting alone and authoritarian, or pretending working for public, but actually to gain for private living 6).

Even using public law, dharma to take private revenge 7), causing people’s resentment towards the Government and Unions.

  1. d) The above shortcomings, if small, make the people confused, but large, make the solidarity shake.

We are genealogical immediately corrected it,

We are not afraid of having shortcomings,

We are just afraid of not having the determination to change,

We must win the heart of “publicity and impartiality”.

We must clearly understand and follow the Government’s policies so that the above shortcomings will be easily corrected and the unity of the entire people will be stronger.

At work, if there are any problems that are difficult to solve, comrades, please write to me to discuss them.

I am very willing to give advice.

Cordially greet


Ho Chi Minh: Complete Works,

vol.4, pp.22-23.


1) Nghe An.

2) Home province.

3) Subordinates.

4) Class and class.

5) Fear.

6) Taking common property as private property.

7) Using State law for private revenge.


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