12 health benefits of coffee, but don’t drink more than 4 cups a day

Coffee is the best drink in the world today, better than tea, better than alcohol, beer, better than wine, better than fruit juice, vegetable juice.

But like all other foods and drinks, you should not abuse them, you should not drink too much, it will cause coffee poisoning, headaches, insomnia, nausea, dizziness,,,.

Scientific studies show that drinking about 2 cups of coffee a day is moderate; if it’s too much, you should not drink more than 4 cups of coffee a day.

1-Improve sleep

You will probably be surprised that drinking coffee causes insomnia, cannot sleep, because it contains caffeine, so why is it said that coffee improves sleep?

Please imagine the principle of vaccines: people inject a weak, harmless germ with a vaccine – (scientists say so, that the vaccine is harmless, but it turns out that’s not quite the case) – into the body, for the body to produce its own antibodies against that weak germ, and when real germs enter the body, our body has been trained by the vaccine, so our body creates antibodies, then can effectively fight real germs.

It’s the same with coffee.

Coffee causes the body to lose sleep, causing the body to produce its own antibodies to fight that insomnia, thereby improving our sleep.

All those who drank moderate amounts of coffee, about 4 cups a day, 1, 2 cup in the morning, around 10 a.m., and 1, 2 cup in the afternoon, around 3 or 4 p.m., had very good sleep.

One study shows that coffee can cause the brain to produce increased amounts of the sleep-inducing melatonin.

2-Provides energy and improves thinking ability.

Coffee can help people feel less tired and increase energy levels. That’s because coffee contains a stimulant called caffeine – the most commonly used stimulant in the world.

Caffeine is absorbed directly into the blood after drinking and then moves to the brain.

In the brain, caffeine blocks the appearance of an inhibitory neurotransmitter called adenosine. When adenosine is blocked, levels of the norepinephrine and dopamine increase, causing nerve cells to increase their ability to transmit nerve impulses throughout the body.

Many highly reliable studies have been conducted showing that in addition to its ability to help enhance nerve impulse conduction, coffee can also improve other brain functions including memory, mood, and energy levels, reaction time and general neurological functions.

   3-Supports fat burning

Caffeine is present in most products that support weight loss through burning excess fat because it actually has the ability to do that. Caffeine is one of the few natural substances proven to effectively burn fat.

Some studies show that caffeine can help increase your metabolic rate by 3 to 11%. Other studies have also shown that caffeine increases fat burning efficiency by 10% in obese people and 29% in lean people.

However, this effect of coffee may be reduced in people who use it for a long time.

  4-Improve physical performance

Caffeine stimulates the nervous system to strongly order enzymes to hydrolyze fat in the body. Caffeine also increases blood levels of adrenaline, a hormone that improves the performance of metabolic processes and organs in the body.

Hydrolyzed fats will form free fatty acids as fuel for the body.

With all of the above, it is not surprising that caffeine can improve the body’s performance by up to 12%.

Caffeine is present in most supplements, drugs that support weight loss through burning excess fat.

But we should not use, or abuse too much such supplements, drugs.

Drink 2 cups of coffee a day is enough to burn your fat.

  5-Contains many essential nutrients

Many nutrients contained in coffee beans retain their nutritional value when prepared. On average, a cup of coffee contains:

-Vitamin B2: 11% of the body’s recommended daily requirement

-Vitamin B5: 6% of the body’s recommended daily requirement

-Manganese and Potassium: 3% of the body’s daily recommended intake

-Magnesium and vitamin B3: 2% of the body’s daily requirement is recommended.

Although not a large amount, in general coffee also contributes to supplementing the body with the above nutrients.

   6-Reduces the risk of type II diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is currently one of the most common diseases, affecting millions of people worldwide. The mechanism of the disease is increased blood sugar levels due to insulin resistance or reduced ability to produce insulin.

For some reason, people who drink coffee regularly can significantly reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes. But drink too much coffee will be harmful to our health, observational studies have shown that people who drink a lot of coffee have an increased risk of developing diabetes.

Type 2 is 23-50% lower, even in some studies, this risk is reduced by up to 67%.6.

7-Prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease and cause of dementia, especially in the elderly worldwide.

Alzheimer’s disease currently has no effective treatment, no any drug can cure Alzheimer effectively.

However, there are still ways to prevent the disease before it occurs, including changing your diet, exercising…

But few people know that drinking coffee is also very effective in preventing Alzheimer’s.

Some studies show that people who drink coffee have up to 65% lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s than normal people.

-Similar to Alzheimer, coffee reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is a common neurodegenerative disease 2nd worldwide, second only to Alzheimer’s.

Parkinson’s can cause nerve cells to die, thereby reducing the ability to transmit nerve impulses by reducing the amount of dopamine in the brain.

Like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease also has no specific treatment, which makes disease prevention much more important.

Studies have shown that people who drink 2 cups to 4 cups coffee a day have a 32-60% lower risk of Parkinson’s disease, the main factor being the caffeine in coffee.

  8-Protect the liver

The liver is one of the organs responsible for the most functions in the body, so protecting the liver is extremely necessary. Some medical conditions that can affect the liver include hepatitis, fatty liver, etc., which if left untreated can lead to cirrhosis.

In a recent study, people who drank four cups of coffee a day seemed to have up to 80% lower risk of cirrhosis than other people.


  9-Fights depression and improves mood

Depression is a serious mental disorder that reduces the patient’s quality of life. Nowadays, depression is becoming more and more common.

Luckily, coffee has been found to have the ability to prevent depression and improve mood in a positive way.

In a 2011 Harvard study, women who drank 4 cups of coffee a day had a 20% lower risk of depression than others.

  10-Reduces the risk of certain types of cancer

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. The mechanism of cancer is the abnormal proliferation of certain types of cells in the body. Coffee has been shown to protect the body against some types of cancer, especially liver cancer and colorectal cancer.

Liver cancer is the third most common cause of cancer death in the world, while colorectal cancer is fourth. Studies show that people who have a habit of drinking coffee have a 40% lower risk of liver cancer and 15% lower risk of colorectal cancer.

  11-Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke

Coffee has the ability to increase blood pressure, but the increase is relatively small and does not have a large impact and will be stable for people who drink coffee regularly.

Many studies have proven that coffee does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, and even reduces the risk, especially stroke.

People who have a habit of drinking coffee have a 20% lower risk of stroke.

  12-Increase longevity and slow down the aging process

Drinking coffee helps reduce the risk of a number of diseases, including serious diseases, thereby increasing longevity.

Coffee is proven to be rich in antioxidants.

Studies have shown that many people even get more antioxidants from coffee than from fruits and vegetables.

In fact, coffee also shows itself to be one of the healthiest drinks in the world.



You should not overuse coffee, you should not drink too much coffee every day.

4 cups of coffee a day is enough, 1 or 2 cups in the morning, after 10am, 1 or 2 cups in the afternoon, and after 3pm is ideal.

Like all other foods and drinks, if you overdo it, eat or drink too much, it will be counterproductive and toxic, not good.

Eating too much meat is also not good. Eating too much fish and eggs is also not good.

Eating too many vegetables is also not good.

Drinking too much coffee is also not good, it causes headaches, insomnia, and all kinds of other symptoms of illness due to coffee and caffeine poisoning.


Reference sources: hopkinsmedicine.org, healthline.com


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