Ukraine using undemocratic tactics to protect democracy is an unwise tactic

Former President of Ukraine Poroshenko was stopped at border not allowing going to Hungary is undemocratic tactic

W.Minh Tuan

Ukrainian President Zelenskii is highly appreciated, praised, and respected by the entire peace-loving world for his courage and determination against Russian invaders, for his intelligence and agility in leadership, and because of his simplicity in leadership style.

The whole world is get used to the image of the President of Ukraine hardly wearing a suit, only wearing a simple T-shirt, or wearing a military uniform, wearing camouflage clothes like a normal soldier to interact with the people and appearing in front of TV, in going abroad to attend high-level diplomatic meetings.

His style and way of dressing were always simple, with a bright, confident smile, never showing embarrassment or panic before the Russian invaders.

That simple and popular image of Ukrainian President Zelenskii will leave a strong mark on the history of all mankind thousands of years later, and much longer.

Ukrainian President Zelenskii is the image of a free, democratic Ukraine, the image of a civilized European Ukraine about soon to join the EU commonwealth.

Thus on Friday, December 1, 2023, when former President of Ukraine Poroshenko was stopped by Ukrainian border guards, not allowed him to go abroad, not allowed him to go to neighboring Hungary for the reason that he may meets Hungarian President Orban – who is supporting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – people will be quite surprised by the undemocratic way the Ukrainian State works under the President’s talented leadership, respected incumbent President Zelenskii.

Hungarian President Orban always expressed support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, or at least, did not show strong opposition to Russia, creating a bad image for him in the entire peace-loving world.

Therefore, if former President of Ukraine Poroshenko intends to meet Mr. Orban, and intends to talk about something wrong with Mr. Orban, it will only cause both of them to be laughed at and despised by the peace-loving world.

The would be wrongness of both Orban and Poroshenko only further enhances the prestige of Ukraine’s bravery Zelenskii against the unjust invasion of the Russian army.

Whatever the reason, blocking a free citizen of a free, democratic country like Ukraine from going abroad is an undemocratic act.

One cannot use undemocratic measures to protect and justify democracy.

Let former Ukrainian President Poroshenko go abroad freely, let him do whatever he wants.

World public opinion is very fair and never misjudges anyone.

If Mr. Poroshenko does things that benefit the Ukraine country, and serve the legitimate interests of Ukraine, then that is very good deed and commendable and encouraging.

And if he plans to do something that goes against the legitimate interests of the Ukrainian people, he will be laughed at and spit on by world public opinion.

Why is it necessary to use dictatorial and undemocratic tactics to stop him at the border, to protect the interests of the Ukrainian people?

Furthermore, Mr. Poroshenko was once the President of Ukraine, he needs to be treated respectfully, worthy of a senior politician of free Ukraine country.

Former President of Ukraine Poroshenko was President of Ukraine from 1914 to 1919, and then lost to Mr. Zelenskii in the 2019 election.

It is possible that former President of Ukraine Poroshenko is also a very patriotic person, and he will do things that serve the interests of the Ukrainian people, bringing quick peace to the Ukrainian people.

Honorable President Zelenskii should not assume that only Mr. Zelenskii is patriotic, only Mr. Zelenskii serves the interests of the Ukrainian people, and others do not serve the interests of the Ukrainian people.

In any case, anti-democratic measures should not be used to protect democracy.

Because that is undemocratic.

Vietnamese people have a saying:

“An upright tree does not fear the direct death”,

“The righteous do not fear the wicked.”

That means if you are a good person, an upright person, a righteous person, then you have nothing to fear from bad people, crooks, or illegal people.

Thus using undemocratic techniques has tarnished the beautiful image of respected President Zelenskii.///


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