American judge Engoron turned out to also work based on emotions, not based on objective evidence

W.Minh Tuan

American judge Arthur Engoron has loose, messy white hair, a thin face, and pale skin. For some reason, he is trying to sentence former US President Donald Trump in the overstated property values in order to win favorable loan and insurance terms, to borrow a lot of money from banks, causing damage to society.

The former President of the most powerful and civilized United States in the world, was ordered to have his photo taken for identification by that messy-haired, pale-minded judge, like a top-class criminal on the streets, and was called to court many times, and at all court appearances, Mr. Trump’s lawyer calmly explained and proved that the asset declaration case “did not harm anyone, the bank that lent money to Mr. Trump did not sue Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump paid all taxes, the bank was very happy to lend money to Mr. Trump,,,”.

Failing before Mr. Trump’s lawyers, poor Judge Engoron immediately called Mr. Trump’s daughter to testify in court, and that beautiful girl calmly and slowly answered all of questions of that pale-faced, loose-haired judge Engoron, spent about 4 hours in court, and poor Engoron could not dig up any evidence that was harmful to Mr. Trump.

Now, the powerful Engoron of the most civilized America in the world has summoned Professor Eli Bartov, a professor of Accounting and Statistics at New York University, on Monday, the 18th, December 2023, is the expert who was hired by Mr. Trump to check all the statistical and accounting documents of Mr. Trump’s real estate company, and poor judge Engoron asked this professor to explain before the court about the unlawful and irregularities of Mr. Trump’s business activities.

Accounting and statistics professor Eli Bartov loudly declared to poor Judge Engoron that the professor spent up to 650 hours digging through the pile of accounting statistics documents of Mr. Trump’s company, but could not detect anything wrong in Mr. Trump’s business activities.

The most civilized and free America in the world has a very absurd, very anti-democratic, very anti-free law that allows people to curse and criticize government officials, including the honorable President, but prohibit criticism of judges and courts.

So with judges who are ignorant, have poor morals, and are full of hatred for the defendants, the American people cannot criticize or say anything bad about those trash judges, but American only dare to say gently that the judges do not fully understand the truth of the case, do not fully understand the respectable dignity of the defendants,,,.

So during the trials, when Judge Engoron raised his powerful voice and insolently questioned Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump had only one way to respond, which was to explain and clearly state the origin of the events. That powerful judge Engoron then ordered the former President of the United States, like ordering a street thief: “Please answer briefly “yes”, or “no” only”.

If you only answer “yes” or “no”, how can you fully understand the truth and nature of the case?

Then that powerful, loose-haired judge Engoron majestically ordered Mr. Trump’s lawyer, “Please control the attitude and behavior of your client in court.”

A former President of the most civilized, democratic, free, and powerful America in the world, Judge Engoron now calls him “customer, client“, and no one can blame this judge’s attitude.

On that Monday, December 18th, 2023, after respected professor Eli Bartov loudly declared before the New York court that there was nothing wrong with former President Trump and his company, Mr. Engoron poor brazenly said a very illegal sentence, that “because Professor Bartov was hired by Mr. Trump to audit and was paid a lot of money, up to about 1 million dollars for 650 hours of audit work, the opinions of Professor Eli is losing credibility.”

The problem is whether Judge Engoron can provide any evidence to prove how wrong accounting professor Eli Bartov was?

As for trustworthiness, or untrustworthiness, it is just poor Judge Engoron’s feeling, it has no legal value at all.

Courts and judges must rely on evidence, not emotions to say whether it is trustworthy or not trustworthy case.

Surely the criminal judge Engoron must have understood that elementary knowledge of the law, that judgment must be based on evidence, not on emotions.

Mr. Trump’s lawyer, Christopher Kise, loudly stated before the trial that “Judge Engoron represents a complete failure to address the legal elements of the claims to be decided”, completely failed to convict Mr. Trump, and that that only showed that the convictions were ” premeditated destination,” rather than that convictions must be based on evidence presented at trial.

If the sentencing has a predetermined destination, then the trial has no meaning, the opening of courts for trial is just a farce.

But that is the wish of current President Biden, and of poor President Biden’s associates and supporters in his faction.

The premeditated conviction only increases Mr. Trump’s credibility and discredits that of current President Biden.

And Judge Engoron is proving himself more and more that he is just a worthless tool of poor, old, sick, and confused President Biden.///


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