Comrade General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong rightly said: “Power must be tied up in a cage of legal mechanisms and laws.”

W.Minh Tuan

Proposing the Government to conduct a general inspection of the allocation of public land to Vincom and interest groups throughout the country.

During a meeting with voters in Hanoi a while ago, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong said a very correct sentence, which was widely agreed and supported by public opinion:

“Power must be tied up in a cage of legal mechanisms and laws.”

Since then, many powerful people in Vietnam have been arrested, tied up, and put on trial by the law and rule mechanism, because those people used their power to stand outside, standing above the rule mechanical cage and laws to make illegal money, corruption, bribery, and embezzlement of public funds.

Now, I would like to look back at the granting of 68,000 m2 Giang Vo-Hanoi land to Vincom in 2017 to build a 50-story apartment building to make money, to see if anyone stood outside that cage of legal mechanisms and laws. (Now Giang Vo-Hanoi land has been reclaimed to build cultural works and public services)


1-Giang Vo exhibition land is 68,000 m2 wide, has a thickness of more than 1000 years, is a cultural-historical work built during the Ly and Tran dynasties.

More than 1,000 years ago, King Ly Thai To, the first king of the Ly Dynasty, read the Edict on Moving the Capital, moving the capital from Hoa Lu, Ninh Binh, to today’s Thang Long, in the year 1010. From then on nowadays, Hanoi-Thang Long has a history of more than 1,000 years of Thang Long-Hanoi culture.

Also in the year 1010, King Ly Thai To built a large palace named Giang Vo palace, in the present-day Giang Vo area, to serve as a meeting place for military mandarins to discuss national security issues.

In 1074-1075, there was a resistance war against the Song army of our Dai Viet country and the Tong Dynasty of China, in which General Ly Thuong Kiet directed Dai Viet’s army and people to defeat the Song army on the Cau River – Nhu Nguyet River stronghold line, with the immortal poem of General Ly Thuong Kiet:

“Southern country has mountains and rivers, Southern empire resides,

The fateful destiny is in the book of heaven,

Why do you dare to invade our land,

You will be beaten to the bitter defeat “

After the war ended, the Ly dynasty continued to consolidate martial arts and military training to protect the country.

So in 1170, the Ly dynasty expanded the area of Giang Vo palace and built a martial arts and archery school (called Xa Dinh).

In the 8th lunar month of 1253, King Tran Thai Tong expanded the Giang Vo Hall in the area of Giang Vo Palace – Xa Dinh, to practice martial arts for the army, preparing to deal with the Yuan army’s- Nguyen Mong plot soon to invade our Dai Viet Nam country.

4 years later, in 1257, the Yuan army of the Yuan lord Mong Kha invaded Dai Vietnam for the first time, and was defeated after only nearly 1 month of invading our country.

After that, the Yuan army invaded Dai Vietnam twice more, in 1281 and 1284, and were all


It can be said that the establishment of Giang Vo Hall, martial arts training for soldiers, and preparation for war were one of the reasons that contributed to the three victories over the Yuan army of our Dai Vietnamese people.

During the reign of King Le Thanh Tong, in 1478, King Le Thanh Tong built and expanded Giang Vo palace from the Ly and Tran dynasties, expanded and built a new Giang Vo palace, to serve as a place for military exercises.

In the 10th lunar month of 1481, King Le Thanh Tong ordered Hai Tri Lake to be dug, winding up to 100 miles. In the middle of the lake there is Thuy Ngoc palace, and on the side of the lake, Giang Vo palace is built, to practice soldiers, and fighting elephants.

During the reign of King Le Hien Tong, Giang Vo was expanded further as a place to raise fighting elephants. The elephant stables here are tiled and have soldiers and mahouts, recruited from the Bac Giang region and brought to Giang Vo to specialize in training elephants for battle.

At this time, in the payroll of the Dai Viet army, there was an additional special branch of soldiers: Elephant-Tuong soldiers.

The Martial Arts Hall is also a place to review training troops.

Complete History of Dai Viet records: “The Lord resides in the Giang Vo palace… inspecting the land and sea troops, displaying boats, elephants and horses to display their training.”

That was in 1630, during the reign of King Le Than Tong and Lord Trinh Trang.

Through bibliographies, today we still know that the location of the ancient Giang Vo was quite close to the To Lich River, and this river used to be quite large, kings and mandarins could stand in Giang Vo and watch the naval parade on the To Lich River.

And now, on April 2, 1983, the construction of Ngoc Khanh Lake was started, located between three streets: Kim Ma, Cau Giay and Nguyen Chi Thanh.

When workers dug into the ground here, they discovered a warehouse of ancient weapons with tens of thousands of types, including: bronze guns, stone bullets, iron spears, bronze spears…

The bronze command gun is 39cm long, has a barrel, barrel bulb to load gunpowder, and a groove to drill a hole for a slow-burning wire.

Through the inscriptions on the gun, it is known that the date of the gun was around 1466 under the reign of King Le Thanh Tong, who was considered the most excellent and most prosperous of all Vietnamese feudal dynasties.

In the underground Ngoc Khanh also discovered more than 1,000 stone bullets near the field originally called Bai Dan-bullet field. These are spherical stones, up to about 12cm in diameter. The fact that quite a lot of stone bullets were dug up in a place with that name further proves that the Ngoc Khanh area was originally part of the training site. We still retain today’s folk names such as “Bai Dan” and “Firing School”.

Some bullets were still covered with smoke, proving that they were fired from the barrel of a certain “magic machine” gun, using the pressure of explosives to shoot stone bullets.

Besides guns and bullets, there are also “cold” weapons such as iron spears, bronze spears shaped like rice leaves, spears with one prong, large spears called “long spears”, tridents, swords, 3 pronged spear…

Some powerful long-range weapons include fishing hooks that can be thrown far to stick to the enemy to capture them alive, or throwing hooks into the enemy’s boat to keep the enemy’s boat from escaping, then letting our soldiers jump to attack the enemy’s boat.

Some iron arrows came with wooden crossbows.

The defensive weapon has a 3-pronged spike to prevent the enemy from attacking…

These were the weapons of the Le Dynasty, used against the Ming army, causing the Ming Dynasty to lose and flee, as written in Binh Ngo Dai Cao by Nguyen Trai:

“Fighting first battles to cleanly wipe out sharks, fierce fishes,

Fight two battles to destroy all birds and animals.”

The arsenal of the Early Le Dynasty discovered in 1983 in the middle of Ngoc Khanh Lake, Hanoi has been confirmed by historians to belong to a famous military training area called Giang Vo Duong.

Since then, until recently, more than 1000 years have passed, Giang Vo Duong has always been a place to teach martial arts for our Vietnamese army, to fight against foreign invaders.

In 1974, for the first time after nearly 1000 years, Giang Vo Hall was converted to become a Giang Vo Exhibition Area, no longer a place to teach martial arts and culture to continue the martial arts cultural tradition of the Vietnamese people.

But it is still acceptable, because it is used for public purposes and cultural purposes, even though it is still not used as a place to teach martial arts like before, not continuing the martial arts tradition of Vietnam for thousands of years.

In 1998, our Communist Party of Vietnam at the Fifth Central Conference, session of the 8th Party Congress, issued a resolution on “Building and developing an advanced Vietnamese culture, rich in national identity.”

Yet in 2017, under the leadership of Hanoi President Nguyen Duc Chung, and Hanoi Party Secretary Hoang Trung Hai, Hanoi city allowed Vincom to build a 50-story apartment building in this 68,000 square meter Giang Vo Doong area, to “Build and develop an advanced Vietnamese culture, rich in national identity”!!!

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, Hanoi Party Secretary Hoang Trung Hai, and Hanoi Chairman Nguyen Duc Chung saw the purpose of making money as higher than the purpose of preserving the martial cultural tradition of our Dai Vietnamese people, so they signed a decision to sell Giang Vo land to Vincom, so that Vincom could build a 50-story apartment building to make money.

To date, Prime Minister Dung has retired, and Chairman Hanoi Chung has been arrested and tried for corruption. Secretary Hai was disciplined and retired.

And the Giang Vo Exhibition land has been reclaimed as a place to serve public benefits, the State will build cultural and sports projects here.

It is true that Giang Vo Dojo is a place where “Earth Spirits and Humans are outstanding“, so “Whoever touches them will be punished by heaven”.

Looking back at the land grant of 68,000 m2 of Giang Vo land to Vincom, probably with the participation of the Ministry of Cultural Van Hoa, how much money did Vincom pay to the State?

Vincom builds luxury apartments to make money, so Vincom probably cannot get preferential land prices, because Vincom does not build cultural works to serve public benefits. Then Vincom must pay the State the price of that 68,000 m2 land according to the market price.

Now, is it necessary to overturn, to inspect this shady Giang Vo land grant to Vincom?

2-About the land conversion project of Tran Hung Dao Mechanical Factory at 191 Ba Trieu street, 42,000 m2 wide, in 2001 transferred to Vincom to build apartments, supermarkets, sell and rent to make money, in 2004 Vincom completed and opened Vincom Ba Trieu building.

Why not use the land of Tran Hung Dao mechanical factory to build public works, cultural works, green parks, or schools, hospitals, libraries, or public sports training centers? But sell that land to Vincom to build apartments and supermarkets to make money?

We all know that Hanoi city has a policy of moving factories and plants that cause pollution and noise out of the center of Hanoi. That is a correct policy. But the State’s factory land is public land, not land belonging to the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

When public land is converted to use purposes, it must also be used to serve public interests and cannot be used for profit-making business for certain individuals.

So how much money did Vincom pay to the State to get 42,000 m2 of land for Tran Hung Dao mechanical factory?

We recommend that the State re-examine the Ba Trieu land grant project to Vincom. If there is a price difference, the difference sums of money must be returned to the State.

Vincom builds apartments and supermarkets, not schools, hospitals, or public works, so Vincom cannot receive preferential land prices.

3-I heard that it’s not just about taking land from Giang Vo Hall – Giang Vo Exhibition to build apartments to make money. Hanoi also plans to take land from schools and hospitals in central Hanoi to build “public service works”.

On July 26, 2011, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung signed Decision No. 1259/QD-TTg on “Approval of general construction planning” Building Hanoi Capital until 2030, with a vision to 2050″.

In this very long decision 1259/QD-TTg, there are a number of outstanding passages as follows:

Relocate or build a second campus for a number of schools from the inner city to satellite towns or provinces in the Capital region; The land fund after relocation will be used for public urban purposes.

  “Move medical facilities treating infectious diseases and high levels of infection out of the inner city. Reserve land funds for high-quality research, training, and medical examination and treatment facilities.”

  Relocating old industrial facilities and medical facilities treating infectious diseases out of the inner city, contributing to reducing environmental pollution pressure on the central urban area.

“- Implement the relocation of colleges, universities, and medical facilities in the inner city area. Build new university clusters and multi-functional medical complexes according to planning.”

Relocating schools and hospitals out of the center of Hanoi to build public service projects, what kind of public project is that?

Are schools and hospitals not public service works?

Or should we evict schools and hospitals and leave the land for Vincom and other real estate interest groups to build luxury apartments to make money?

We know that taking public land from the State is the safest, without conflicting the people, without complaints, without protests, and probably at an extremely cheap price.

If it’s not cheap, then Vincom and other interest groups probably don’t want to take that public land.

But in the world, we have never seen an unscrupulous government evicting schools and hospitals to use land to build apartments, restaurants, and hotels.

Land of schools and hospitals will be relocated there according to Decision 1259/QD-TTg.

Who will it be given to? At what price?

-The common question for each of us Vietnamese is, is now the time to truly reap the fruits of the past 1945 August revolution?

Millions of our Vietnamese soldiers and people have heroically sacrificed their lives in wars to gain independence, protect and unify the Fatherland, is it now for interest groups and corrupt officials to reap the rewards? result of revolution?

The situation of selling public land at dirt cheap prices to Interest Groups, so that Interest Groups can build apartments, villas, and supermarkets to sell and rent at market prices, making profits at rates of hundreds of percent, even thousands %, no other business can compare, explaining why in Vietnam, real estate business is the most developed and the fastest to get rich, while other industries are still developing stagnantly.

In the spirit of the famous saying of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong “Power must be tied up in the cage of legal mechanisms and laws“,

I would like to propose:

It is recommended that the Government should conduct a general inspection of the transfer of public land to Vincom and interest groups throughout the country, to recover price differences, if any, and return money to the State, so that there are no interest groups can stand above the “Framework of Legal mechanism and law“.///


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