Funny story: Agricultural machinery exhibition

There was a farmer from Thanh Hoa province who went to Hanoi to see an agricultural machinery exhibition, performed by many Vietnamese agricultural machinery companies.

The farmer came to the agricultural machine counter produced by Bong Sen Agricultural Machinery Company.

He stood looking at a beautifully designed agricultural machine that looked quite modern and sophisticated.

The presenter of the Bong Sen company immediately approached the farmer and gave a very eloquent presentation:

-Sir, this machine is very modern and very useful for the work of Vietnamese farmers. If you use this machine, it will help you reduce and save up to 50% of your heavy workload.

-Really? The farmer seemed very surprised and asked more: – So how specifically does it reduce my workload and save my money?

-Yes, sir, for example, it will help you reduce the time you spend working in the fields. For example, until now, if you still had to work 10 hours a day in the fields, now you only need to work about 5 hours.

-Oh really? It’s amazing. I still have to work 10 hours a day, like you said. So if I buy this Lotus machine, from now on I will only have to work 5 hours a day like you said, right?

-Yes, that’s right – the presenter was excited because of the positive response from the farmer.

-Does this Lotus machine have other benefit?-the farmer asked again.

-Yes, there are many more. For example, it will reduce your costs by up to 50%. For example, if you still have to spend up to 1 million VND a day on fertilizer, seeds, and labor, then now you only need to spend 500,000 VND.

-Oh, that’s amazing, the farmer admired -I still have to spend 1 million VND a day during peak season. So if I buy and use this Lotus machine, I only have to spend half the cost, which is about 500,000 VND as you said?

-Yes, that’s right. This machine is very magical.

-Also, does it have any other good effects? The farmer asked again.

-Yes, yes. For example, it will reduce your workforce. For example, if for a long time in the past you still needed 4 people to work in the field, now, with this Bong Sen agricultural machine, you only need 2 people to work, the remaining 2 people can rest and go out on a tourist trip.

-Oh, it’s amazing. My family has 4 people, I husband and my wife, and my 2 children who always have to work hard in the fields during the busy harvest time. So if I buy this Lotus machine, from now on I and my wife can rest and only need my two children to work, right?

-Yes, yes, that’s right. This Lotus agricultural machine has so many wonderful effects, so what are you waiting for, please quickly to buy our Lotus agricultural machine – the presenter immediately approached and convinced him.

The farmer in Thanh Hoa province is a smart person, and always calculates everything very carefully.

He stood thoughtfully for a moment, then slowly said to the presenter:

-Yes, then let me buy 2 machines.///


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