Funny story: An idiot man went to the market to buy 6 cows

There was an idiot man whose wife sent him to the market to buy 6 cows.

Wife told:

-Hey, you idiot, I told you to go to the market and buy 6 cows, did you hear me? Don’t buy 5, don’t buy 7, just buy 6, have you heard that clearly?

-Yes, yes, madam, I heard it. I only bought 6 cows.

His wife seemed satisfied when she heard that and added:

-Here, here’s the money, tie it to your back carefully so it doesn’t fall.

-Yes, yes, don’t worry, I tie the money to the back of my pants, it won’t fall.

Then the idiot carefully tied the coins to the back of his pants, securely, unable to fall, and calmly went to the market to buy cows.

Arriving at the market, many cow sellers greeted the idiot.

A man with a herd of 7 cows said to the idiot:

-Hey, you idiot, are you going to buy a cow? I have a herd of 7 cows here, very fat and strong. Buy it, I’ll sell it cheap.

The idiot quickly replied:

-No, no, my wife told me to only buy 6 cows, not 7. If you sell 6 of them, I’ll buy them.

The other person said if to sell 6 cows, then the remaining 1 cow would be difficult to sell, so he didn’t sell it.

Another person had 5 cows and called out to the idiot:

-Hey, you idiot, I have 5 beautiful fat cows here. You buy it, I’ll sell it cheap.

-No, the idiot quickly answered. My wife told me to buy 6 cows, so I don’t buy 5 cows. Would you sell 6 cows?

-No, I only have 5 cows, the other person replied. Why do you listen to your wife like that? You can’t buy it yourself, so you have to listen to what your wife says? That’s right, you’re stupid.

The idiot didn’t pay attention to the other person’s sarcastic words and went to another shop to buy cows.

Finally, he was able to buy a herd of 6 cows that he wanted.

He sat on the back of one cow, holding a rope to lead the remaining five cows behind.

On the way home, he turned back and carefully counted to see if there were enough 6 cows.

He counted:

-1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

-Oh my god, why are there only 5 of them?

He counted again:

-1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

Then count again, count again and again, still only 5 cows behind him.

-Oh my god, I’ve counted many times over and over again, but why are there still only 5 cows?

The idiot started to panic, oh my god, what will he do when he gets home and tell his wife?

His wife will scold him for going to the fields, he will lose sleep and food for a whole year, she will make noise at the house for a whole year, and his house will be broken for a whole year.

The idiot really panicked, and started crying loudly.

The herd of leaky cows slowly arrived home.

The stupid man’s wife went to the alley to welcome him and asked the stupid man:

-Are you stupid back? Why are you so sad and crying?

The idiot was confused and panicked and replied:

-You my wife told me to buy 6 cows. I have already bought 6 cows. But on the way home, somehow I lost 1 cow, now there are only 5 left behind me, oh my god, what should I do now?

The wife looked at the cows, and at the idiot, then burst out laughing and said:

-Oh my god, what an idiot as of idiot cow. Actually you not lost 1 cow, but instead, you have 1 extra cow.///


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