Funny story: Black teeth and white teeth

While her mother was busy cooking in the kitchen, 5-year-old Ty asked her:

-Mom, let me quiz you.

-Yes, take a quiz- mother said lovingly to Ty.

-What has black teeth and white teeth?-Ty smiled mischievously and asked her mother.

Mom was very confused because of this very unexpected and interesting question. Mom thought for a while, but was very confused and couldn’t find an answer.

Finally, mother said:

-Maybe the person that doesn’t brush their teeth.

Ty burst out laughing and said:

-Incorrect. Mom answered wrong. People who don’t brush their teeth only have cavities, or dirty teeth, or dull teeth, but not black teeth – Ty was very happy because her mother was confused and couldn’t answer.

-Yeah – Mom admitted awkwardly – So, maybe it’s the one who dyed their teeth – Mom continued.

-Wrong, mom was wrong again – Ty burst out laughing again – People who dye their teeth will only have white teeth, or only black teeth. How can they dye their teeth both black and white, mom?

-Yeah – Mom was really confused – Then, maybe it’s the people with the broken tooth?

-Oh, ha, ha, ha, mom is wrong again and again. People with broken teeth just don’t have teeth, but how can they have black teeth or white teeth? – Ty said out loud mischievously.

-Oh, I can’t find it – Mom admit she stuck and can’t answer – Then can you answer for me? – Mom lovingly asked Ty, and felt very happy because Ty seemed very smart and agile, came up with a very difficult and awkward quiz, riddle to answer.

-Yes, then I answer for Mom. That’s a piano.///


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