Funny story: Causes of forest fires

During the environmental class, the teacher explained to the students the causes of forest fires.

The teacher said:

-You know, the cause of forest fires is caused by the sun. The sun brought life to humans, but the sun also brought destruction to humans. For example, about forest fires, the sun shines brightly on the earth, causing the trees to die and wither. And the wind blew, causing those withered trees to rub against each other, causing fire, and from a small flame spark, it quickly spread into large forest fires, destroying thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of hectares of forest every year.

Teo found it very difficult to understand how trees rubbing against each other could cause a fire. He asked the teacher:

-Teacher, I see that only using a matchbox or a lighter can create fire. How can trees rubbing against each other create fire?

The teacher felt very disappointed with Teo’s lack of understanding, but he still patiently explained as follows:

– Dear Teo, you forgot the previous lessons, I said that objects rubbing against each other can cause fire, and cause flame. For example, hold two rocks and smash them together, you will see sparks fly out. Here, look here.

Saying that, the teacher took two rocks and started smashing them together. Sure enough, sparks flew out.

Teo nodded his head, seemingly agreeing, but still not giving up, he continued asking:

-Teacher, but what about the trees? How can trees rubbing against each other cause a fire?

The teacher immediately took two sticks and tried to create a fire for Teo to see.

-Oh, you should try it too, like I did. Take a long, round stick and sharpen it to a sharp, round end. Then, take another piece of wood and cut a small hole on it. Then, insert the round, pointed stick into that hole, and use your palms to rub against the stick, causing the stick to rotate back and forth, right and left in that hole. When those two pieces of wood rub against each other like that, they will create heat, and gradually get hotter. And after a while, it will get too hot, and a fire will appear. In the past, prehistoric people used that method of friction to create fire. And now, many backward indigenous people in some regions of the world still use that way to create fire, to cook, or to keep warm.

Teo now seemed convinced, and scratched his head and asked the teacher how to prevent forest fires.

The teacher asked Teo and other students in the class what they think should be done to prevent forest fires.

The students thought hard, then Teo said his opinion:

-Teacher, we should not plant forests anymore.

-Oh, the whole class was uproar in protest. Ty asked Teo:

-If we don’t plant forests anymore, there will be no trees, and there will be no life. We will not have oxygen to breathe, because trees produce oxygen.

-Yes, Teo agrees. So what should we do to prevent forest fires from happening again? Teo asked Ty.

Hoa and Nu immediately had different opinions:

-Teacher, in our opinion, we should build a lot of sprinklers, water hoses in all forests to fight forest fires.

The whole class protested loudly that it was impossible to have enough money and means to build hydrants in all the forests around the world.

Finally, Ty, who was the smartest in the class, gave a reasonable opinion that the whole class agreed on:

-Teacher, in my opinion, people should plant forests in the dark, no expose forests to sun light. Then there will be no more forest fires anymore.///


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