Funny story: Falling into a glass of milk

(Variation from the funny story “Fire”. You can write your own variations)

Mr. Bot-Powder- and Mr. Sua-Milk- live together in the company’s apartment.

One day, Mr. Bot Powder had to go on a business trip, so Mr. Bot told Mr. Sua Milk:

-Hey, Mr. Sua. Today, I have to go to work. So if anyone comes to ask me, tell them I’m on a business trip and won’t be back until next week.

-OK, don’t worry, I’ll say that, if anyone asks you.

But Mr. Bot is still worried that Mr. Sua will forget, because Mr. Sua is naturally absent-minded and forgetful. So Mr. Bot wrote on a piece of paper, gave it to Mr. Bot, and said:

– Well, you’re very forgetful. So I wrote it on this piece of paper. If anyone comes to ask about me, you just need to show this paper for them to read, that’s best. Are you OK?

-OK, that’s fine, then I don’t have to explain to your guests.

Mr. Bot felt secure and went on a business trip.

Mr. Sua stayed at home all day, no one came to ask Mr. Bot. In the evening, Mr. Sua was curious and wanted to know what Mr. Bot wrote, so Mr. Sua took out the paper and read it, reading when drinking milk.

Unfortunately, the paper fell into a glass of milk and could no longer be read.

The next day, a guest came to question Mr. Bot, calling out loudly from outside the gate:

-Mr. Bot, Mr. Bot.

Mr. Sua called out from inside the house:

-It’s gone.

-Huh, when he gone?

-Gone last night.

-Oh my God, we still see each other every day. So how did he gone?

-Fall into a glass of milk.///


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