Funny Story: Get in a taxi

A farmer from Nghe An wood fish province went to Hanoi for the first time.

He brought 3 very large suitcases and took the train to Hanoi.

Arriving at Hang Co station, he got off the train, exited the station, and wanted to walk to an acquaintance’s house in Hanoi’s Old Quarter, because he did not want to waste money on a taxi.

His family members in Nghe An told him that when arrive to Hanoi, don’t take a taxi or will be deceived, get scammed, because Hanoi people are very cunning, it’s hard to be trustful. So he decided to walk.

But it was difficult for him to struggle to push 3 suitcases on the street.

If there are only 2 suitcases, his 2 hands can easily push 2 suitcases. But here, he has 3 suitcases, so if he can push these 2 suitcases, he can’t push the other one.

After struggling for a while, he could only walk a few dozen meters, and if he kept walking like that, he might not have reached his acquaintance’s house until late at night.

But his frugality made him not want to call a taxi.

There were dozens of taxis approaching him, calling out “Godfather, do you want a taxi?”, but he firmly shook his head and refused.

Finally, an another taxi approached him, the taxi young driver looked honest and stuck his head out the taxi window and said loudly:

-Hey, dad, get in my car and go on it, I’ll charge Dad very cheap, I’ll drive for you with the cheapest money in Hanoi.

-Really? How cheap is it?

-Yes, so where are you going?

-Ah, I want to go to an acquaintance’s house in the Old Quarter, near Dong Xuan market, how much do you charge?

-Yes, dad, gave me 30,000 VND. The other car will charge 50,000 VND from dad.

-OK, and what about my 3 suitcases? -The old man from Nghe An asked the young taxi driver worriedly.

-Yes, it’s free, I won’t charge you for three suitcases, no money for you dad’s 3 suitcases. Dad, will you get in my car?

-Hey, man, I ask again, my 3 suitcases are free, right?

-Yes, it’s free, no money at all, the taxi driver happily said loudly and firmly, and was sure that the godfather of Nghe An would climb into his taxi.

-Dad, please get in the car. The driver stopped the car completely and opened the car door for Nghe An godfather.

-OK, wait minute. Then tell me your name, taxi driver’s license number, and license plate number, the Nghe An dad said.

-Yes, what for? The driver asked in surprise.

-Ah, my son in Nghe An told me that when taking a taxi in Hanoi, you must carefully ask for driver’s name, car number, and driver’s card number.

-Yes, yes, here, here is my taxi card number, my name is,,, and the license plate number, you dad just look at it and you’ll know it, please write it down as you want.

-OK, 3 free suitcases, right?

-Yes, yes, 3 suitcases for free.

-Then you take my 3 suitcases to this place, near Dong Xuan market, here, here’s the address. I’ve written down your name, driver’s license number, and license plate number. Please bring my 3 free suitcases to this place.

And as for me, I will walk.///


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