Funny story: Here having fresh fish for sale

There is a man who has a shop that sells fresh fish. He did not hang any store name sign board, because he thought it was not necessary, everyone would know that his store sold fresh fish.

One day, a customer came to buy fish and commented to the fish store owner:

-Hey, why don’t you put a fish sale sign board on your store?

The fish seller presented his idea as:

-Well, I think that fish selling sign is unnecessary, because everyone knows that I sell fresh fish here.

-Yeah, but in my opinion, having a sign selling fish would be better. You doesn’t have a sign selling fish, it’s like being naked, it doesn’t look attractive at all, that is why there are few customers coming.

The fish seller thought for a while and thought it made sense, so he ordered a very large and majestic fish sale sign board, with a blue background and white letters like the charcoal of a fish, looking very beautiful.

That sign has large, eye-catching words that read:


After hanging that sign, the store owner seemed very happy, felt very satisfied, he thought the customer’s comments were really reasonable. It is true that without the sign selling fish, his store would look like it was naked, it would look ungainly, and there would be very few customers.

A few days later, another woman came to buy fish. When she saw the newly erected sign board, she felt a bit annoyed.

She gave advice to the fish shop owner:

-Hey, uncle, did this fish selling sign board just hang up?

-Yes, I just put this sign up. How do you think about it?

-Ah, it would be nice to have a sign. But I see how confusing it is.

-How do you feel about it? The store owner seemed a bit worried and asked her.

-Ah, in my opinion, your sign is too long and has too much text. Everyone knows that you sell fresh fish here. So in my opinion, it’s okay if you delete the word “HERE”, it’s short, easy to remember, and beautiful.

The store owner saw that the customer’s opinion was reasonable, so the next day, he called the person who painted the store’s sign to come and tell him to erase the words “HERE” and leave only the words ‘HAVING FRESH FISH FOR SALE” only.

A few days later, a young customer came, saw that fish selling sign, felt that it seemed somehow ungainly, so he said to the store owner:

-Hey, uncle, your fish selling sign is very beautiful. But in my opinion, the word “HAVING” is not necessary, because everyone knows that you sell fish. In my opinion, you just need to put the sign “FRESH FISH FOR SALE” and everyone will know it, no need for lengthy text, it looks confusing.

The store owner felt guilty and didn’t know what to do. He asked the young customer:

-Hey kid, is it enough to just say “FRESH FISH FOR SALE” only?

-Yes, in my opinion, that’s enough. Signs with long text only make customers feel tired.

-Oh, maybe you’re right, the store owner said.

So, the next day, he called his sign designer again and told him to remove the word “HAVING”.

The designer redesigned the sign without any opinion, because every time he came to put up a sign, or remove or repair a sign, he was paid a handsome salary, so any sign was fine, as long as there was a job with good compensation.

So after having to engrave the sign board, repairing and erasing it, the fish sale sign only had 3 words “FRESH FISH FOR SALE”.

A few days later, a few young girls came to buy fish. They looked at the fish sale sign, pointed, and giggled.

The fish shop owner was surprised and asked the girls why they were giggling.

The girls happily answered:

-Yes, we don’t think the word “FRESH” is necessary, because everyone knows you sell fresh fish. Are you selling rotten fish?

-Oh, you guys are so right. The store owner feels that the young girls are right. So can I delete the word “FRESH”?

-Yes, we think so.

So the next day, the fish sale sign only had two words left: “FISH FOR SALE”.

A few days later, a child came to buy fish, he stood hesitantly in front of the fish sale sign of the store, then he grinned and said:

-Grandpa, why did you put this fish sale sign? Everyone knows that you grandpa sells fish. I stood a few hundred meters away and could already smell the strong smell of fresh fish from your store. You grandpa should throw away this fish sale sign to save customers from trouble of getting the effort of looking at and reading your fish sale sign.

The store owner thought for a while and saw that the child’s opinion seemed correct, so he called the person who installed the sign to come, and told him to take it down, and no longer needed the sales sign board.///


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