Funny Story: On fire

On fire

Dad has to go back to his hometown and tell his son:

-Hey son, I have to go back to my hometown. If anyone comes to ask dad, just say dad has go back to dad’s hometown, is it OK?.

-Yes, the son answered.

But the son was very foolish, the father was afraid he would forget, so he wrote on a piece of paper and gave it to the son, saying:

-Okay, dad wrote it on this paper. If anyone comes to ask Dad, just give them this piece of paper to tell them to read, do you understand?


Then my father returned hometown with peace of mind.

At home, all afternoon, no one came to ask his dad.

In the evening, the curious son took out a piece of paper and read it next to the oil lamp. Unfortunately, the piece of paper burned away.

The next day, a guest came to ask about dad, and called out from the alley:

-Honey, is your dad at home?

-No, it’s gone.

-Huh, when was that?-The guest asked in surprise.

-Gone last night.

-Oh my God. How did your dad died?

-On fire.///


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