Funny story: Texas State Marksman

A Vietnamese person travels in America, to Texas.

The streets of Texas are very beautiful, bustling, crowded, and there are many people dressed in the style of 19th century Western cowboys walking on the streets.

That Vietnamese guy looked at those Western cowboys very admiringly, oh, very Texas, very American, very Western cowboys.

Then suddenly, Vietnam saw many bullet holes on public walls on Texas streets, and every bullet hit the middle of the circle, very accurately.

Mr. Vietnam was very surprised, and admired the Texas marksman who shot those bullet holes.

The Vietnamese man counted hundreds of bullet holes on the walls scattered throughout the streets of Texas, and every bullet hit the bull’s eye.

-Wow, this marksman is so good at shooting, the Vietnamese guy muttered. How can he or she shoot “every shot, every hit” like that? There were no bullets that missed outside the bull’s eye of the circled marks.

The Vietnamese man really wanted to meet this Texas marksman, who was probably also a Western cowboy somewhere.

Then the Vietnamese guy went into a restaurant and asked the owner:

-Yes sir, I want to find a marksman who can shoot very well. Yes, the bullet holes are out there, every bullet hit the middle of the circle. Yes sir, do you know that person? I guess here in Texas, a lot of people probably know him, because he’s a really good shot. Bullet holes are all over the streets of Texas.

-Oh, you want to know that guy who shot that? Well, everyone here knows that guy. But no one knows where his house is, but just wait somewhere on the street, maybe you’ll meet him at some point.

The Vietnamese man greeted and thanked the shop owner, and went out, wondering how to meet that marksman, because he didn’t have much time left to travel in America.

Suddenly, a customer in the restaurant called out and said:

-Hey, there, you want to meet that shooting guy? I know where he is. In the morning, I saw him wandering around Michigan park, maybe he was shooting there today. Go out there and find it. To go to Michigan Park, you should go like this, this, this,,,.

-Oh, the Vietnamese man is very happy, thank you kind American.

-What country are you from? China? – The American asked.

-Yes, no, I am Vietnamese. This is my first time coming to America. Your America has many miracles. And today, I’m very honored to meet this guy who is a sharpshooter, a hundred shoot, hundred hits. So amazing. Thank you very much.

All the guests and the innkeeper laughed happily when they heard that.

The other American said:

-Oh, are you Vietnamese? No, it is you Vietnamese who have many miracles. You Vietnamese people have left us Americans with so many haunting trauma that will never go away. But oh well, then today you will meet another American miracle. Let’s go see him. Maybe he’s still in that Michigan park.

Everyone in the restaurant heard that, laughed noisily, and wished the Vietnamese man a happy ending.

Mr. Vietnam was very happy, excitedly left the restaurant, and enthusiastically went to Michigan Park, located not too far from that restaurant.

As he approached Michigan Park, he heard several gunshots.

Oh, maybe that sharpshooter is already shooting, I have to run quickly, the Vietnamese man told himself, and ran as fast as he could towards the direction of the gunfire.

From afar, he saw a person wearing a cowboy outfit, wide-brimmed hat, brown cowhide pants with tassels on both sides, doing something at a wall, holding a pistol in one hand, but there was no one standing around watching anything, it was just him.

It seems nobody care about this sharpshooting man.

Mr. Vietnam came closer, and saw a bullet hole in the middle of a small white circle.

-Oh my God, the Vietnamese guy shouted loudly, it’s really you. Hello sir. Are you the person who just fired this bullet?

The other cowboy turned to look at the Vietnamese man, his face indifferent, not looking very concerned.

-Yes sir, you’re such a good shot, you hit the bull’s eye again. Did you just shoot it right?

-Yes, I just shot. This time the cowboy seemed less tense, more welcoming.

-Oh, you’re a really talented shot. I asked many people to meet you. In this Texas city, almost everyone knows you. They directed me to come here to see you.

-Really? What do you want to see me for?

-Yes, sir, I am Vietnamese, I just came to America for the first time traveling, and also came to Texas for the first time. When I came here, I was surprised to see many bullet holes in the center of the bull’s eye. I have counted over 100 bullet holes in the streets here. I really want to meet this talented marksman, to express my admiration. And I asked, and they directed me to this Michigan park, saying I could meet you. I would like to express my admiration for your skill as a marksman, with every shot and every hit.

-Oh, nothing, it’s just my game, my fun.

-Yes, at what distances can you shoot? 10 meters, 20 meters, 50 meters, 100 meters, or further?

-Oh, I can shoot at any distance.

-Oh, what a genius. I don’t know anyone who can shoot well like you. Please can you tell me the secret to being a good marksman like you? I also want to learn marksmanship like you.

-Oh, my secret is actually nothing special. That means, I shoot first, then draw the circle later.///


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