Funny story: The judge and the boatman

A famous American judge boarded a boat to cross the Hudson River.

When looking at the boatman pushing his boat across the river, the judge became excited and wanted to show off his legal knowledge, so he asked the boatman:

-Hey, boatman, do you know the law?

-No, sir, I don’t know.

-Oh, then you’ve wasted half of your life.

-Oh, sir, why? The ferryman asked politely.

-Oh, this is it. If you understand the law, your life will be much more interesting. For example, you are just a lowly judge like me, no one knows who you are, except for the street criminals you convicted, no one knows who you are. But because you understand the law very well, one day, you bring a former President to trial, force him to take mug-face identification photos, and the whole society knows you, you become a famous judge in an instant, everywhere you go, you are warmly welcomed by everyone.

-Oh really? I’m just a poor ferryman, I don’t have the pleasure of making fun of the former President.

-Oh, that’s your job. So, do you know the Election Law?

-No, Sir.

-Oh, then you’ve wasted a quarter of your life.

-Oh, why, sir?

-Ah, here it is. When there is a Presidential candidate who is giving speeches everywhere to prepare for the upcoming Presidential election, thousands, tens of thousands of people hail long live to that candidate, then you judge drags the candidate out to go to court, ordering that candidate to “answer “yes”, or “no” only”. It is really fun, very interesting. You Judge is the one who is truly praised, not that poor Presidential candidate. Don’t you think that’s great?

-Oh, no sir. I’m just an ordinary ferryman, I don’t have the pleasure of blaming presidential candidates.

-Oh, that’s your job. So do you know the balance of power?

-No, neither, Sir.

-Oh, then you’ve wasted a quarter of your life.

-Oh, why, Sir?

-So, the thing is. You’re just a nameless judge. But the balance of power says that the judge is one of the Three Separation of Powers, Executive-Judicial-Legislative, so you are the Judiciary, you are as majestic as the Executive-President, as the Legislature- Congress. You will also have your name written in history, as glorious as that President, or like that Presidential candidate, or like that Chairman of the National Assembly. Isn’t it wonderful?

-Oh, no, sir, I don’t see anything great about that balance of power thing. I wonder with that Balance of Power, who will control your judgment? Do you want to judge and convict on any way you want? Can’t the President and the American people control your Judge behavior? I only know the balance of my boat traveling on the river. I only know that if my boat cannot keep its balance on the river, it will sink, and both you and I will be in danger.

-Oh, that’s your job. What a pity for you.

Suddenly, a strong wind arose, causing the waves of the Hudson River to rise, causing the boat to stagger and about to capsize.

The ferryman quickly asked the respected judge:

-Hi, respected judge, do you know how to swim?

-Oh, I don’t know how to swim.

-Then you’re about to lose your whole life. That’s your job. Dear Sir.

And the boatman jumped into the river, swam to shore, leaving the honorable judge and the sinking boat alone.///


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