How to live healthier, no need medicine, no need doctors, no need hospitals?

W.minh Tuan

Recently, in the US, people talk a lot about eating balanced foods, eating whole foods to improve health. The corona pandemic makes people more and more interested in natural methods of improving health, without using drugs.

Compared with people from ancient times, people today have more diseases. In a civilized society, the more civilized, the more diseases there are.

That is quite the paradox.

Civilized people live cleaner lives, live more hygienically, eat more fully, and live comfortably better than in ancient times, why are there more diseases?

The reason is that the more civilized, the more people live by artificial means to make life more comfortable, but further away from nature, and that is the source of all diseases.

See how animals live in the wild, they don’t need a hospital, they don’t need medicine, they don’t need a doctor. They have almost no disease at all. When they are injured, they heal on their own, without medicine, without a doctor.

The hippopotamus likes to swam in its own feces-excrements, yet it doesn’t hurt its eyes, it doesn’t have any skin disease.

Birds flying high in the sky never saw them sick. However, near my house there is a girl who has a ringed bird in her house, sometimes I saw that girl taking the bird in a lovely cage to the bird hospital for medical examination, because the bird has lost its feathers, and it seems anorexic-lack or loss of appetite to eat.

I told her to release the bird, let the bird live in the wild, it will be free of disease.

But she said she misses the bird very much, it’s her friend, she doesn’t want to release the bird.

Recently I met the girl, she said that the bird was dead, because it didn’t eat anything.

What a pity of small bird, not because the bird didn’t want to eat anything, but because the little girl kept it locked in a narrow cage, not allowing the bird to live in the vast nature.

Therefore, animals that live near humans, livestock raised and tamed by humans, suffer from diseases just like humans.

Chickens are sick with chicken pox, dogs and cats are sick with scabies, then have obesity, heart disease, lung disease, and need a dog and cat hospital for treatment.

Japanese television NHK broadcast a television report about a young American girl from the US flying to Japan, bringing her small dog, to a famous dog hospital in Yokohama, near Tokyo, to operate on the dog’s heart, for the dog’s sake, suffering from heart disease, and in the US there is no dog hospital as good as the one in Japan.

The reason the dog has heart disease is simple, she never lets him run around freely, but always holds him, and puts him in a baby stroller, not letting him run, walk on his own. Then she feeds the dog with pizza, drink milk, eat all kinds of processed food, canned food.

So that dog had heart disease, and scabies all over his body, most of his hair fell out, and she had to put on all kinds of clothes against colds for this dog, and he had to wear a beanie-small hat too.

What a pity for that dog.

The heart surgery for the dog was successful, the girl was moved to tears, thanked the doctor. But that American girl did not know that she was the cause of the poor dog’s illness.

With a small, thin body, most of the hair falling out, and a big heart surgery scar on his side, how long will that dog live?

Looking at the stores, supermarkets selling food and drinks, and looking at the food and drink that people buy every day, we see that the disease lies in the supermarkets, the shops, and right in the baskets  that we bought food and drink to put in that basket.

When I look at the food in any shop in Tokyo, only about ½ of the food sold in the stores is fresh food, such as meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, eggs,,,. The rest are all processed foods from food processing industries, such as canned food, butter, milk, instant noodles, yogurt, confectionery, potato chips,,,.

Regarding beverages, 100% are products from the beverage processing industries that are bottled and canned, such as mineral water, tea, coffee, carbonated soft drinks, cow’s milk, soy milk, CocaCola, pepsi,,, .

All processed food and drink, dry food, canned food, packaged food, has little benefit, much harm, and it is the cause of human diseases.

All animals that eat those processed foods get sick just like humans.

The more you live against nature, the more diseases there are.

The closer to nature you live, the less disease you get.

Look at the people of modern society, obesity, and baldness, itching, scabies, gender changes, buts wild animals have no those diseases, no gender change, no homosexual.

Cancer, diabetes, eye pain, toothache, heart, lung, stomach, insomnia, neurological, convulsions, homosexual,,,wild animals do not suffer from such diseases.

Then influenza, then cough, cold, bird flu, corona, omicron, wild animals don’t get those diseases.

It is said that in the 12 century, in the Europe, the rat transmits the bubonic pandemic- but the rat that carries the disease itself does not die, only human being infected with the disease dies.

Being too clean is not good either.

A little dirty life is better.

You will certainly object to this view.

We always say wash your hands before eating, but maybe not washing your hands before eating is not such a bad thing.

If we are too clean, we are not able to resist dirt, diseases, and we are prone to get disease.

Countries in Europe, Canada, US are proud of being with advanced industrial and civilization, their people live cleaner, more hygienic lives than before, which is the result of advanced civilization and industry, and life expectancy is longer.

But there are more diseases than before too.

Let’s look at the principle of vaccination.

Vaccination is injecting a little dirt-disease-bad bactetial into our bodies, injecting a little bit of a weak, harmless virus into us, so that the body learns to fight against those diseases, to get immunity.

Then we live a little dirty every day is the daily natural vaccination, to be able to fight against all the diseases that come in contact with our body every day.

So civilized people, and civilized countries often boast that they live more cleanly and hygienically than poor countries, so they have fewer diseases. But poor countries have the diseases of poor countries, and rich countries have diseases of rich countries.

Poor countries have malnutrition, rich countries have obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, baldness, scabies, itching, eye pain, toothache, insomnia, nervousness, insanity, disease death,,, .

Live close to nature, reduce processed foods, increase fresh foods, reduce dry foods and processed foods, more outdoor activities are better.


There are so many research, studies, books, articles, magazines about how to eat good health food, how to have good dieting, good drinking.

Our eating every day should be in balanced, means include meat, fish, egg, vegetable, starch like bread, rice, and fruit.

Vegetable only is not good, it does not provide enough nutrition for our body.

The Health Ministry of USA advise us to eat meat at 1gr meat with 1kg body weight. That means if our body weight is about 100kg, then we should eat about 100 gr meat per day.

But we don’t need flow this advice strictly.

If we are too fat, we may should eat less meat.

If we are not fat at all, we can eat more meat, about 70 kg weight body of man with tall at about 1m70  may eat 200 gr meat, or 300 gr meat a day.

We should eat both lean meat, and fat meat. We should eat all kind of meat such as chicken meat, pork meat, beef meat, bones, egg.

We can eat 1 or 2 eggs a day. The theory said that egg make more bad cholesterol is wrong.

Fish are so good for our body, it provide OMEGA 3 fatty acids that benefit the heart of healthy people, people at high risk of cardiovascular disease and patients with cardiovascular disease.

Our drinking should be mostly is water, natural water to help our body to clean up our body. We should avoid as much as we can all kind of soft drink, bottled drink, processing drink.

How much water we should drink a day?

Many advices said that we should drink about 1 or 2 litre-liter water a day.

If we pee, then we see our urine are too yellow, and we feel urine is too hot, too thick, too smell, then we should drink more water.

Urine is too yellow, and too thick, too hot, means there are too much acid in our urine, means we ate too much meat, fish, egg, and we drink too little water, then we should eat less meat, fish, egg, and should drink more water.

We should be our own doctors in daily care, should not go to see doctors too often.

There are so many bad doctors, lazy doctors, stupid doctors, they will harm you more than cure you.

Our urine are clean, not heavy smell, come out easily are good health.

The most important vegetables are green leaf vegetables, like lettuce, spinach, kale, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, chrysanthemum, bean sprout,,,.

We should eat several kinds of vegetables a day, not only 1 or 2 types.

Eat variety of food, meat, fish, vegetables, change every day.

Starch: like rice, bread, should eat 1/3 of meal a day by rice, or bread. We can no eat meat for long, but we must eat rice, bread, and some vegetables a day to survive.

Starch is so important for our body, our brain.

No rice, no bread, no vegetables, our body and brain can not develop.

Exercise: every morning should exercise for about 15 minutes, you will get 15 great benefits for your whole life: beautiful skin, bright eyes, shiny hair, happy spirit, refreshing, good sleep, delicious,,,.

Running once a week about several km, running slowly, helps you fight colds, influenza, corona, strengthens the heart and lungs, reduces most diseases.

Resistance exercise to build muscle. Scientists recently found that resistance exercise is the best sport, best exercise of all kind. All organs inside our body need muscle to protect and support. If your body is full up of muscle, means your internal organs are protected perfectly, and we are free of all diseases.

And if we exercise muscles, means we need to eat enough meat, fish, egg, rice, bread, vegetables, fruits to provide enough nutrition for our body building.

Walking several km a day are the best benefit for our health. We in the modern society are tend to seat down too much every day. Sedentary is bad habit, is very harmful for our body, and our brain.

After sitting down several hours to work, we should stand up, take walk outdoor for 30 minutes, 1 hours, it is very helpful for our body.

Expose our body to the sunlight for 30 minutes in the morning, 30 minutes in the afternoon are very good for our skin, our brain, our eye, our bone, our sleep. Should not wear much sunglass, cap, umbrella. Let our body soak in sunlight, in fresh air.

Take bath with cool water and hot water take turn, it very good for our body and brain.

Eat some kinds of fruit, it is best to eat pureed fruit-crushed fruit, not just drink fruit juice.

Every day grind a few mixed fruits, such as apples, grapes, strawberries, kiwi, including fiber of fruit, apple skin, grape skin better, good for digestion, then mix a few spoons of yogurt, a spoon of honey.

Crushed fruits with yogurt, honey help you have fine skin, good sleep.

Masks and vaccines are not effective at all in preventing corona. We have seen the whole world wearing masks, the whole world getting vaccines, but corona does not decrease, mutating wildly.

No any hospital in the world has this slogan at the gate of hospital:

“After your hospital admission and discharge, you will be healthier that you don’t need to come back to this hospital again”.

No any this slogan at the gate of any hospital in the world.

But with a balanced diet as above, and exercise, you will be healthier, and you don’t worry about all kinds of diseases, both corona and insomnia, diabetes, heart, pulse, nerves, cancer, wrinkled skin,,.

You don’t need doctors, no medicine, no hospital anymore.

And you never come back to hospital again.

But WHO-World Health Organization-never has this slogan, this an advice to all hospital around the world.

WHO only advices people to run away from corona only, and they are failed.



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