If Mr. Navalny is alive and healthy, it is more beneficial for Mr. Putin

W.Minh Tuan

What does Mr. Navalny’s death have to do with the Ukraine war?


The day before yesterday, on Friday, February 16, 2024, the leader of Russia’s Arctic prison – 1900 km away from Moscow, located in the cold Siberian ice region of Yamalo-Nenets, announced the famous prisoner of this prison, Mr. Navalny, who always criticized Russian President Putin, died at the age of 47, after more than three months of being moved here from a prison on the outskirts of Moscow.

The West and the US immediately accused Mr. Putin of being responsible for Mr. Navalny’s death. Of course, the Russian Government denied this accusation, and said that Mr. Navalny died for simple health reasons. And if it’s for simple health reasons, Mr. Navalny can die in prison or in his own home, it’s the same.!!!

Actually, if Mr. Navalny were alive, it would be more beneficial for Mr. Putin than if he were dead.

Because first, if Mr. Navalny is still alive, and even receives special privileges in prison, to be healthy and fat, Mr. Putin will be praised by world public opinion, and by public opinion among the Russian people, praising that Mr. Putin is indeed a humane and noble Great Leader.

Mr. Putin’s name will be recognized in Russian and world history as one of the most famous benevolent and generous world leaders, and will be remembered in history books for thousands of years to come.

Second, there are currently many opinions in the EU, NATO, and the US that want Ukraine to sit at the peace negotiation table with Russia, without fighting anymore.

But Mr. Navalny’s death will cause all good intentions for peace negotiations to be hindered, and even eliminated, and will only make the US, the EU, NATO, and Ukraine more determined to fight to the final victory, must destroy all invasion intentions of Mr. Putin, must fight to the last soldier.

It can be said that Mr. Navalny’s death, for whatever reason, whether due to illness, or mistreatment, whatever the reason, will cause immeasurable harm to Mr. Putin.

Coincidentally, one day after Mr. Navalny’s death, on Friday, February 16, 2024, the next day, Saturday, February 17, 2024, the Ukrainian side suffered a major defeat in the small town of Avdiivka, Northern Ukraine, near the Russian border, Ukrainian troops had to retreat, allowing Russian troops to occupy this town.

The Ukrainian side blamed the US and the EU and NATO for not providing enough weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, so Ukrainian soldiers had to retreat and run away.!!!.

Ukrainians are very interesting.

When they win, they praise the courage and ingenuity of Ukrainian soldiers.

Whenever they lose, they blame the US and EU for not providing them with enough weapons and ammunition.

It is natural that Ukraine lacks ammunition, because Ukrainian soldiers shoot birds, shoot clouds, and shoot wind too much. No weapons manufacturing industry in the world can provide enough ammunition for all the soldiers Ukrainian guns, if Ukraine soldiers keep shooting at birds, clouds, wind, sky, mountains, rivers, hills more than at Russian targets.

But now that Mr. Navalny is dead, surely the West, the EU, and maybe even the US, will increase their determination to provide more weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, and the Ukrainian people will also increase their determination and courage to fight the invasion Russian army.

Sitting at the negotiating table now is very difficult, very dim, very far away, unless the Russian side proactively makes concessions to Ukraine first.

But the Russians will only give in when they are defeated on the battlefield.

As for Ukraine, Mr. Navalny’s death will ensure the EU’s determination to increase arms aid to Ukraine, and therefore, the Russians will face more difficulties in the near future.

Mr. Navalny’s death will change the war situation in Ukraine, it will make the peace-loving world more supportive of Ukraine, and make Russia more isolated in the international arena.

Regardless of the any reason, Mr. Navalny’s death will cause Mr. Putin an unimaginable loss in the coming future.///


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