If one of two Putin and Macron is crazy, then a third nuclear world war will break out, and both of these two men will both be come ghosts.

W.Minh Tuan

On January 17, 2024, Mr. Navalny in Russia died in Arctic prison, located in Siberia, about 2000 km from Moscow, and was explained by the Russian Government as “due to natural causes and poor health”.

A few days before that, he was still healthy, smiling, taking photos with his iPhone and sending them to friends around the world. The prison allowed him to use his iPhone.

Then a few days later, he passed away due to “sudden death”.

Mr. Navalny’s body was returned to his mother, and showed no signs that he had been killed, that is, he died only due to “natural reasons, poor health”, correct consistent with the explanation of the prison leaders, and the Russian investigation agency about the cause of his death.

But whatever the reason, it is not normal for a person to be healthy, happy, with a bright smile, to suddenly die a few days later.

Therefore, many leaders of countries around the world have expressed their frustration, anger, and protest against Mr. Putin for allowing a prisoner of conscience to die unjustly and suddenly, in an era called democracy, civilization, not the brutal medieval period, not the period of Tsar Ivan the Terrible more than 400 years ago, 1547-1584 of Russia.

Therefore, Mr. Macron, President of France, after Mr. Navalny passed away about a week, at the end of February 2024, angrily announced that EU and NATO countries would send ground troops to Ukraine to help Ukraine fight against the Russian army, and that “the EU will never allow the possibility that Ukraine will lose the war with Russia”.

Mr. Putin immediately responded, saying that if the EU sent troops to help Ukraine, Mr. Putin would press the button to launch IBM nuclear missiles to EU and NATO countries, and “the entire civilization would be destroyed” – Putin’s words.

Analysts said that Mr. Putin was too angry, lost his temper, and showed that Mr. Putin’s Russian ground troops were not good at fighting, not capable of fighting directly with EU and NATO troops, so Mr.Putin must use nuclear weapons.

However, the peace-loving world does not take Mr. Putin’s warning lightly, because this is not the first time Mr. Putin has talked about using nuclear weapons to attack Ukraine.

And in the world, there are many examples of national leaders going crazy, causing war disasters.

For example, Germany’s Hitler, with a slightly crazy personality, caused massacres of Jews, and caused the second world war in 1939-1945.

Or French Emperor Napoleon, whose personality was also a bit crazy, caused absurd wars in Europe and Russia, and finally lost and was exiled to the island of Saint Helena and died there.

Or Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible of Russia, had a slightly crazy personality, caused a series of unnecessary massacres during the nearly 40 years he ruled in Russia, and was criticized by the people of Russia, he was cursed forever, nicknamed Ivan the Terrible.

Or Mr. Stalin, the communist leader in Russia, with a somewhat crazy personality, caused a series of brutal purges in Russia, and now, his monuments have been pulled down by the Russian people, collapsed, burying Mr. Stalin’s image in the trash pile of history.

Therefore, if one day, both Putin and Macro go crazy, causing a third nuclear world war, to “destroy human civilization”, then this is also a possible scenario.

That if will happen, and not only will the images of those two men be buried in the piles of historical trash, but maybe even the “historic trash piles” cannot exist, and therefore there is no place for them to bury these two names.

Regarding the military strength of Putin and Macron, we see roughly as the following:

-GDP, in 2021, Russia 1500 billion USD, France 3000 billion USD.

-Population: Russia 140 million people, France 60 million people.

-Average income per capita: Russia 13,000 USD/year, France: 40,000 USD/year.

Defense strength:

Russia has quite powerful missiles, such as: Avangard, SS-N-6, Kh-55, Kh-101, Kh-102,,,

A total of more than 20 types of missiles, with about 10,000 missiles of all types, and in addition, the most terrible thing is about 6,000 nuclear missiles, but only about 20 of these nuclear missiles are enough to destroy the whole world of human civilization.

During the Ukraine war, after more than 2 years of fighting, Russia fired into Ukraine about 7,000 missiles of all types, and fired about 3,000 drones, and the Ukrainian side intercepted about 2/3 of the above missiles and drones.

France also has very formidable missiles, such as ASMP, Hades, M20, SCALP,, Altogether about 12 types of missiles, with a stockpile of about 10,000 missiles of all types, and about 200 nuclear missiles.

The same goes for France, just about 20 French nuclear missiles are enough to destroy the entire human civilization, no need to use 200 missiles.

However, Vietnamese has very good proverbs as: “Playing with a knife will cut your finger one day“, if you play with a sharp knife, you may harm yourself.

Although Mr. Macron only has 200 nuclear missiles, he does not seem to be afraid of Mr. Putin’s threat that has 6,000 nuclear missiles.

As for Mr. Putin, looking at his strong body when going shirtless while fishing, it shows that he seems to have a “strong spirit in a strong body“, so we hope he is not like Tsar Ivan Terrible.

Russia has a very famous poet, Simonov, who wrote the beautiful poem “WAITING FOR ME TO RETURN” during the Second World War, in 1941:

“Honey, wait for me to come home.

Please wait for me forever,

Though rain falls heavily,

Though days are long,

Well, you are still waiting,

Wait for me, I’ll be back,,,”.

Now, in 2024, will there be a third nuclear world war? Then to have another poem “Waiting for me to come home”?

If Mr. Putin and Mr. Macron read this poem “Waiting for me to return”, maybe they will change their minds, for a world of peace and love, rather than a world with no place left to bury their names Putin and Macron.///


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