More and more Americans do not want America to intervene in local conflicts around the world. Mr. Trump is the same

Minh Tuan

The world has had two World Wars, the First World War – 1914-1918, and the Second World War, 1939-1945.

In both of these World Wars, at first, America remained neutral, did not want to intervene, did not want to get involved. But in the end, because US saw that the situation of small and weak countries was in danger and that the belligerent countries could win, America intervened and changed the outcome of the war, defeating the belligerent countries, protected world peace.

The whole world praises America, and is grateful to America, because thanks to America, it was able to maintain its independence and defeat the invaders in World Wars 1 and 2.

However, America’s two glorious victories in World Wars 1 and 2 made America arrogant and aggressive, and they wanted to intervene in every conflict in the world, and they want to establish a world order according to their wishes, that of America.

America’s arrogance and aggression caused subsequent local interventions of the United States to not be completely just, not completely victorious, and not fully receive the support of the all counties in the loving peace world.

And Americans are called by the world the International Police, the International Constable, the International Gendarmerie.!!!

First, America intervened in the conflict between the two Koreas, and was not completely successful, because it was prevented by China. America’s incomplete success in Korea has led to the formation of two Korean states, North Korea, and South Korea, which have lasted for more than 70 years, from 1950 to the present, and will probably continue much longer.

Then, there was America’s failure in the Vietnam War, causing an extremely deep psychological scar TRAUMA in the majority of American public opinion, lasting from the end of the Vietnam War in 1975 to the present, and that TRAUMA psychological scar will last even longer.

After that, there were a series of other US failures in Somalia, in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Iran, and now, the Ukraine war, and the Gaza conflict.

Why were Americans successful in World Wars I and II, but were not successful, or even failed, in subsequent conflicts and interventions?

Because it is just and unjust, it receives support from the people of countries in conflict, or does not receive support from the people of those countries, and the course of knowing how to fight, and dare to fight.

General Vo Nguyen Giap of Vietnam made this clear right after the Americans invaded Iraq in 2001, after several terrorist attacks that crashed planes into the White House and other places in the United States.

After the US military stormed into Iraq, many American journalists came to Vietnam, interviewed General Vo Nguyen Giap, and want to know the General’s opinion predicting the prospects of the US intervention and invasion in Iraq.

As to what outcome Iraq war will lead to, the General answered in a general, not specific, but very accurate way, saying, “If you can win the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people, you will succeed. If not, please wait.”

The current situation in Iraq and Afghanistan has unfolded exactly as General Vo Nguyen Giap predicted.

And now, the Ukraine conflict has been going on for more than 2 years, from early 2022 to now, early 2024, the US, EU, and UK have helped Ukraine with more than 100 billion USD in weapons and economic aid, but this war has not yet had clear results.

The Ukrainian war has completely different nuances than other conflicts, in that the majority of Ukrainian people and peace-loving people in the world all support Ukraine, support the US, support the EU, support NATO, but It seems that Ukraine has not yet achieved much success in expelling the Russian invaders.

Because the bitter truth of human history has proven that “Justice does not always win, and injustice does not always lose“.

Well, historical truth has repeatedly proven that “the winner writes history”, while the loser has to accept the winner’s judgment.

Therefore, now, a large number of Americans realize that, if America cannot win, it should not intervene.

And the current Ukraine war shows that it is difficult for Ukrainians to win, so the majority of Americans do not want America to be heavily involved in the Ukrainian war.

And the Ukrainian war once again proved that the invaded peoples must fight with their own strength, with intelligence, courage, knowing how to fight, and daring to fight to win.

Don’t rely mainly on outside help.

The Vietnam War proved that.

During the Vietnam War, the Vietnamese people also received great help from the former Soviet Union, China, and the former Socialist countries of Eastern Europe. But the weapons of Vietnam and the old Socialists are far inferior to American weapons.

But the Vietnamese people still won, because the Vietnamese people knew how to fight, dared to fight, and fought like a “poor people“, not fighting on the type of “rich people” like Ukrainians today.

Look at Ukrainians fighting today, it’s like traveling, because they ride on tanks, sit on the armored vehicles, buses, then sitting down to press missile buttons, sit in bunkers or solid buildings to control drones,,,.

It’s so leisurely, so dignified, so relax in combat, so different from the Vietnamese soldiers who had to have “bones of bronze and skin of iron”, had to carry weapons on their shoulders, walk barefoot, with rubber-tired sandals, through the jungle, wading streams, marching thousands of kilometers to secretly enter the battlefield.

And the Ukrainians are now fighting with tanks, missiles, and drones, and when they run out of weapons, they just cry out to the US and EU for more aid.

The Ukrainian army uses weapons very wastefully, firing thousands of bullets to destroy one target.

So is there any powerful weapons industry that produces enough weapons, ammunition, and missiles for Ukrainian soldiers to fire to shoot birds, shoot clouds, shoot wind?

That’s why the majority of Americans do not want America to continue to help or get involved in a war that wastes ammunition to shoot birds anymore.

And former President Trump is one such American.

During his previous term as President, in 2016-2020, Mr. Trump bluntly told the EU that you should increase your defense budget, and resolve the conflicts yourself.

With the conflict was caused by you guys, don’t drag America into it.

You yourself caused the conflict, then you yourself deal with this war yourself.

And now, the US Presidential Election in November 2024 is coming, if Mr. Trump is elected, America’s “Non-Intervention” stance will quickly be implemented.

Would the world be better, or worse, if Americans implemented a policy of “non-intervention”?

It could get better, and also it could get worse.

But no matter what the result, America is too tired, too exhausted, to be the International Gendarmerie forever.

Israel now is fighting in the Gaza Strip.

Let’s also understand that victory over Hamas is only a temporary victory, but a victory won over the hearts and minds of more than 1 billion Muslims around the world is fundamental, permanently end the conflicts with the Palestinians, and with the whole Muslim world.

Israelis should not hope too much for America’s support in the war with the Palestinians and the Muslim world.

Ukrainians, too, should be self-reliant in the war with the Russians, proactively propose a ceasefire, sit at the negotiating table, maintain the status quo, let the Russians withdraw from Ukraine, and then, in the long run later, long term in the future, will use diplomatic and military measures later to regain territories.

That is the wisest.

The same goes for Taiwanese people, being friendly with China, “avoiding elephants is not embarrassing“, then you will maintain peace and tranquility, but don’t rely too much on the US which will lead to failure.///


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