Mr. Trump will receive more support if he tries to reduce anger and frustration

W.Minh Tuan

On the evening of Wednesday, November 8, 2023, five Republican presidential candidates met for the third time to debate in Miami, and former US President Trump once again did not bother to attend this debate, just like the second debate a month earlier he did not bother to attend, and Mr. Trump also announced that he would not bother to attend the 4th debate that would be held on next month, December 2023 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

It can be said that Mr. Trump is the most difficult US Presidential candidate among the US Presidential candidates this time 2023-2024, because he is having to “fight both enemies“, he is having to fight on both fronts, the battlefield with the Courts, the judges, the attorney generals, who are impeaching him, and battles with rival President candidates.

But perhaps the battle with the courts, judges and attorneys who are prosecuting him is the toughest, hardest, and takes the most effort, causing Mr. Trump to lose food, sleep, and peace, the most tragedy.

Because as the Vietnamese proverb says: “Only when you are facing the Court, you will know you are wise or not.”

“Court” here refers to the judges who are accusing the defendant, and the trial is the toughest, most challenging, most tragic battlefield, the most testing of courage of the defendant’s intelligence and alertness.

It must be admitted that Mr. Trump is a person with a nervous system of steel, because he has to fight mentally and physically with both fronts, especially the court front, trying him.

Therefore, if Mr. Trump is irritable, angry, loses his temper, speaks confusedly, and thinks in disarray, it is understandable and worthy of sympathy.

Try to put yourself in Mr. Trump’s position, fight on two fronts at the same time like Trump, and especially fight on the Court front, will you lose your temper? Are you hot-tempered, confused, haphazard, and chaotic like Mr. Trump? Or are you more impatient, more panic, more hot-tempered, more rash, more chaotic?

It can be said that many American voters today, looking at the Court, Judges, and Attorney General executing Mr. Trump at the current trials, they definitely feel more sorry for Mr. Trump, and support Mr. Trump even more.

Poor Mr. Trump, he is old, nearly 80 years old, and is the President of the United States, the President of the richest, most powerful and most civilized country in the world, but now he is being punished like other countries of Underdeveloped, corrupt countries that they are punishing their own former Presidents.

Mr. Biden said it well, that “No one is above the law“, yes, said it well, but this saying is so cliché, so “Empty barrel makes a loud noise“, so hypocritical.

No matter who you want to judge, no matter who you want to execute, no matter if you want “No one is above the law”, but a person like Mr. Trump was once a respected President of the most powerful country in the world, the most respectable country in the world, the most civilized country in the world, he cannot be tried, treated with harsh, blunt, questioning like a low-class, street-level bicycle thief.

There have been 3 US Presidents who have been impeached as Mr. Nixon in the Watergate case in 1972 during the Vietnam War, and President Bill Clinton in the fiery mistress case in 1998, but it was due to the US Congress’s decision, not the Courts and Judges for trials of normal thieves and robbers.

Yet now that civilized, developed, and powerful America is treating its President like a common thief on the street.

Therefore, if Mr. Trump is angry, loses his temper, insults or gaffe, faux pas, something that we sympathize with him.

Surely many of American voters will sympathize with Mr. Trump, and continue to support Mr. Trump more, and Mr. Trump’s ability to be re-elected as US President in 2024 will become increasingly higher.

But one thing that American voters, and the majority of public opinion around the world, are a bit worried about is that Mr. Trump, because of his anger, has directed his staff to take revenge on his opponents which are prosecuting him in the Courts.

Mr. Trump is loudly threatening to remove his opponents from office, investigate, imprison, and execute those who are punishing him if he is re-elected as US President in 2024.

No, Mr. Trump shouldn’t do that.

If Mr. Trump plans to do so, he will lose much of the support of good Americans, and lose the support of many good people around the world.

Mr. Trump should focus on building policies that serve America’s interests, and help the world end current wars and conflicts.

If Mr. Trump can do so, he will receive more support from a large number of American voters, and from the majority of the peace-loving world.

Revenge is the way of small people, of ordinary people, and is often criticized by history.

The position of a President of a heroic, civilized United States does not require revenge on petty person, small-minded persons like Biden.

Let the petty people who are punishing Mr. Trump be criticized by the American people, criticized by history, and criticized by the world.

Mr. Trump does not need to take revenge on them, because American public opinion and world public opinion are very smart, very fair, they know who is right, who is wrong, they know who to be criticized, who to be supported.

Mr. Trump does not need to judge who is good and who is bad.

Let the American public opinion judge, let the world public opinion evaluate, criticize, and spit on the so-called judges, attorney general of stinky, dirty, corrupt.

Mr. Trump should focus on policies that make America great again-MAGA, make the MAGA slogan that his opponents like Biden are mocking to be came a reality of Great America of United State.///


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