Nguyen Ai Quoc’s 8-point claim in 1919 sent to the Versailles Conference, France


World War I (1914-1918) ended, the winning countries met at Versailles Castle, France, on June 28, 1919, to discuss ensuring peace after the war.

US President Woodrow Wilson also attended this Conference. At that time, US President Wilson was very famous for his 14-point Declaration announced in 1918, in which, at Point 14, this Declaration clearly stated the following:Establishment of the Alliance of Nations (United Nations UN on today) to ensure independence for all peoples in the world, whether large or small (14. The formation of a League of Nations to guarantee independence for all countries, large and small“).

At that time, colonial peoples like Vietnam had great hope in this 14-Point Declaration.

The Association of Vietnamese patriots in France at that time, including Mr. Nguyen Ai Quoc, Mr. Phan Chu Trinh, Lawyer Phan Van Tuong, drafted an 8-point Claim to send to this Versailles Conference, and especially, sent to Mr. US President Woodrow Wilson, with the hope that Mr. President Wilson and other heads of state will consult with the French Government to implement the 8-point Claim of the An Nam people, and implement the Declaration. President Wilson’s 14 points.

Mr. Nguyen Ai Quoc signed the letter on behalf of the patriotic group, and signed the 8-point Request, and directly printed and distributed it to the delegates at this Versailles Conference.

Below, would like to quote the original text of the 8-point Claim, published on pages 435, 436, Appendix, in the Complete Works of Ho Chi Minh, by the National Political Publishing House, in 2000.


“To his Excellency, the Secretary of State of the Republic of the United States, Delegate to the Peace Conference (Mr. Robert Lansing)


We take the liberty of submitting to you the accompanying memorandum setting forth the claims of the Annamite people on the occasion of the Allied victory. We count on your kindness to honor our appeal by your support whenever the opportunity arises. We beg your Excellency graciously to accept the expression of our profound respect.

Since the victory of the allies, all subject peoples are frantic with hope at the prospect of an era of right and justice which should begin for them by virtue of the formal and solemn engagements, made before the whole world by the various powers and the entente in the struggle of civilization against barbarism.

While waiting for the principle of national self-determination to pass from ideal to reality through the effective recognition of the sacred right of all peoples to decide their own destiny, the inhabitants of the ancient Empire of Annam, at the present time French Indochina, present to the noble Governments of the entente in general and the honorable French Government the following humble claims:

1) General amnesty for all native people who have been condemned for political activity.

2) Reform of the Indochinese justice system by granting to the native population the same judicial guarantees as the Europeans have and the total suppression of the special courts which are the instruments of terrorization and oppression against the most responsible elements of the Annamite people.

3) Freedom of Press.

4) Freedom to associate freely.

5) Freedom to emigrate and to travel abroad.

6) Freedom of education, and creation in every province of technical and professional schools for the native population.

7) Replacement of the regime of arbitrary decrees by a regime of law.

8) A permanent delegation of native people elected to attend the French parliament in order to keep the latter informed of their needs.

For the Group of Annamite Patriots

[Signed] Nguyen Ai Quoc

56, rue Monsieur le Prince-Paris”//


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