President Ho Chi Minh disbanded the Indochina communist party in 1945, and what is the fate of the Hanoi Children’s Palace today?

This building in 36 Ly Thai To street was where Ho Chi Minh singed agreement with France government in 6th, March 1946.

( Introduction:

In 1945, after the fledgling Democratic Republic of Vietnam was born, President Ho Chi Minh hoped to receive support from the US and France to build a democratic, free and happy Vietnam.

For President Ho Chi Minh, the interests of the nation come first, so President Ho Chi Minh is ready to abolish the communist party, abolish Marxism and Leninism, and is ready to turn to free democratic countries like the US and France, if Vietnam receives support from the US and France in recognizing Vietnam’s right to independence, and helping Vietnam build the country.

With the spirit of goodwill and the desire to cooperate with France and the United States to build the country, in the Declaration of Independence giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam on 2nd September 1945, President Ho Chi Minh did not say a single word about capitalism, socialism.

Furthermore, President Ho Chi Minh also quoted the American Declaration of Independence, and the French Declaration of Human Rights, without quoting Mr. Marx’s Communist Manifesto.

And just over 2 months after declaring the birth of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, on November 11, 1945, President Ho Chi Minh instructed the Indochina communist party to arbitrarily disband and withdraw into secret activities.

This “Notice of the voluntary dissolution of the Indochina Communist Party” was published in the book “Party Documents 1945-1954, Internal Circulation”, published by the Central Party Historical Research Committee in Hanoi in 1978.

At that time, in 1945 and 1946, the situation in Vietnam was very dangerous, more than 180,000 Chiang Kai-shek troops entered Vietnam to disarm the Japanese army, the French army also prepared to enter Vietnam to regain benefits from the Japanese army.

The young country of Vietnam had to fend off two enemies: Chiang Kai-shek and the French army.

The diplomatic moves of President Ho Chi Minh, and of the young Vietnamese Government at that time, were very smart and flexible:

1-Of the two enemies Chiang Kai-shek and France, one enemy must be eliminated, leaving only one enemy. If the situation of “two heads fighting the two enemies” occurs, Vietnam will likely fail.

At that time, President Ho Chi Minh chose to play with France and eliminate Chiang Kai-shek, because China was Vietnam’s eternal enemy, and China’s level of development at that time was only equivalent to Vietnam’s, that is, is very backward and corrupt from more than 4,000 years of feudal China.

France is more developed, more civilized, Vietnam playing with France will receive support and help from French civilization, French industry, and French scientific and technical achievements to develop young Vietnam.

Therefore, on September 4, 1945, just 2 days after reading the Declaration of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Viet Bam, President Ho Chi Minh launched the Golden Week, calling on the Vietnamese people to pay tribute, donate gold and money to the Provisional Government of Vietnam.

After 1 week, the gentle, simple, kind, and innocent Vietnamese people donated more than 20 million Indochina Dong to the Government of Vietnam, worth more than 2,000 billion VND today – about 10 million USD, and more than 380 kg of gold, worth 1.000 billion VND today.

The family of patriotic bourgeois Trinh Van Bo alone donated more than 5,000 taels of gold, or about 140 kg of gold.

Mr. and Mrs. Trinh Van Bo’s family also donated the house at 48 Hang Ngang – Hanoi to the Government as the place where President Ho Chi Minh sat and wrote the Declaration of Independence for the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

The Vietnamese Government used most of this money and gold to bribe Chiang Kai-shek’s army so they could withdraw from Vietnam.

Chiang Kai-shek’s army, after receiving money and gold, happily withdrew from Vietnam, so after that, Vietnam only had to deal with one enemy, the French.

2-Cooperate with the French, if France recognizes Vietnam’s independence.

Therefore, on March 6, 1946, at Au Tri Vien House, No. 36 Ly Thai To Street, Hanoi, there was an amusement park for Hanoi children, built by the French, two main officials of Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, and France signed a Preliminary Agreement, with the provisions that the French Government recognized the independence of Vietnam, and the country of Vietnam has its own army, its own diplomacy, its own economy, and is within the French Union.

That Au Tri Vien building, later used as Hanoi Children’s Palace, is an entertainment place for children in Hanoi, and children nationwide for more than 100 years until now.

But now, the Hanoi Children’s Palace has been moved to the suburbs of Hanoi, leaving that beautiful building at 36 Ly Thai To, what will it be used for?

No one knows yet.

If it can also be used as a cultural project to serve public benefits, then what is more beautiful than a Children’s Palace for Vietnamese children to play, entertain, and engage in cultural and sports activities?

And if it is used to make a bank, a hotel, an office for rent, to make money, then the sacred soul of more than 4,000 years of Vietnamese history and culture will rise up and bring the building down to the trash for whom want to make money, to return the Children’s Palace- Au Tri Vien for Vietnamese children to play.

After that, from May 1946 to September 1946, President Ho Chi Minh was invited by the French Government to France as a Guest of the French Government.

In France, President Ho Chi Minh signed another agreement with the French Government, called the Provisional Agreement on September 14, 1946, with similar content, France recognized Vietnam’s independence, and Vietnam will be in French Union.

If the French and Americans respect Vietnam’s right to independence, the announcement of the self-dissolution of the Indochina Communist Party will be respected and implemented.

But then, the French were aggressive, and America supported France, so the Indochinese communist party returned to operate, leading the country, and therefore, today, in 2023, the Au Tri Vien – Cung Thieu Nhi building  Hanoi was moved to build something unknown.


“Notice that the Indochina Communist Party voluntarily disbanded

1-Based on historical conditions, the world situation and domestic circumstances, recognizing that now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Vietnam to gain complete independence;

2-Considered that: to complete that great task of national liberation, the unity of the entire people regardless of class or party must be an essential condition;

3-To show that: Communist Party members are the vanguard soldiers of the nation, always sacrificing wholeheartedly for the cause of liberation of the entire people, ready to put national interests above the interests of the class. Providing and sacrificing the party’s own interests must be for the common interests of the nation;

4-To dispel all misunderstandings abroad and at home that may hinder the future of liberating the country,

The central executive committee,

Indochina Communist Party

Meeting on November 11, 1945, the resolution automatically dissolved the Indochina Communist Party.

Believers of communism who want to conduct research on communism will join the “Society for the Study of Marxism in Indochina”.

              November 11, 1945

               The central executive committee

               Indochina Communist Party”//////’s comment:

Unfortunately, the Americans and the French did not support President Ho Chi Minh, the French returned to invade Vietnam, and the Americans supported the French, so President Ho Chi Minh re-established the party, with the name Vietnam Labor Party in 1951, to enlist the support of the socialist camp in the national liberation struggle.

Then in 1976, after the war ended, the party’s descendants, wanting to be greater than President Ho Chi Minh, changed the name of the party and the name of country, forgetting a series of Ho Chi Minh’s ideas about democracy and freedom, and now, interest groups are forming to steal public land at dirt-cheap prices, evicting Au Tri Vien – Hanoi Children’s Palace far from the center of Hanoi, to build something unknown.

Let’s wait and see what Au Tri Vien – Hanoi Children’s Palace 36 Ly Thai To Street will turn into? Does it serve Interest Groups or not?.///


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