Russian President Putin is still a naive, lovely politician, unable to hide his true intentions

W.Minh Tuan

On Wednesday, February 14, 2024, in Moscow, Russian President Putin had a meeting and was interviewed by the Russian press and Russian television about current issues in Russia and the world.

A Russian television reporter interviewed Mr. Putin about which US presidential candidate he would support. Mr. Putin replied that he wished the current US President to be re-elected as President of the United States rather than Mr. Trump, for the reason that “Mr. Biden is a more experienced and predictable President than Mr. Trump, and belongs to the old formation of politicians.”

This is a very naive and cute lie, because it shows that this opinion of Mr. Putin is false from beginning to end, untrue in an obvious and simple way.

Because it is Mr. Biden who is pushing the US Congress to pass a budget package supporting Ukraine, so that Ukraine has more weapons to fight Russia, how can Mr. Putin like Mr. Biden?

Mr. Biden and Mr. Biden’s Democratic Party also have the same policy of supporting Ukraine, and the US presidential candidate, Mr. Trump’s opponent, Mrs. Haley, also has the same voice as Mr. Biden, “saving Ukraine is America’s vital political task, defeating Mr. Putin’s dream of hegemony is America’s sacred mission”, so how can Mr. Putin praise Mr. Biden as “an experienced President, an “” easy to predict”?

Does Mr. Putin want an American President with experience in defeating Mr. Putin?

For more than 2 years now, Mr. Biden has sent countless missiles, cannons, planes, and tanks to Ukraine to destroy Russian soldiers, to disillusion Mr. Putin that he Putin wants to take down Ukraine, so how could Mr. Putin want Mr. Biden to be US President for another term?

Mr. Biden has been urging EU and NATO countries to firmly support Ukraine, send tanks, missiles, drones to Ukraine to fight Russia, so how can Mr. Putin praise Mr. Biden?

What about Mr. Trump?

At the end of last year 2023, Mr. Trump bluntly said that Mr. Trump would end the Russia-Ukraine war within 24 hours if elected President of the United States, and Mr. Putin immediately agreed with Mr. Trump’s opinion, saying that “If he-Mr. Trump-can do that-end the war early-that would be great.”

And now, Feb.2024, Mr. Trump himself is holding back the US Congress from passing a new budget package supporting Ukraine, not allows US to send more weapon to Ukraine, so how come Mr. Putin does not support Mr. Trump, but supports Putin’s enemy, Mr. Biden?

We must see that right from Mr. Trump’s first term in 2016-2020, Mr. Putin was very supportive of Mr. Trump. Russian public opinion at that time was very critical of Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Trump’s opponent.

And now, with Mr. Trump’s policy of not supporting Ukraine, it is 1,000% percent – one thousand percent certain that Mr. Putin supports Mr. Trump, not Mr. Biden.

Everyone can see that clearly.

But with the usual habits of politicians, who often do not tell the truth about their true intentions, Mr. Putin also encountered that ordinary political habit, and hid his true intentions, and offered his lip-synch support for Mr. Biden, but “saying that, but it is not that”.

Mr. Putin’s political wisdom and political lies are so obviously wrong, because there is no objective basis to prove Mr. Putin’s argument.

And the Russian TV reporter is also an ignorant, stupid person, not knowing how to ask further, “How do you think about Mr. Biden’s policies of supporting Ukraine to fight Russia?”, to see what Mr. Putin would reply.

Surely Mr. Putin will be confused, his face will be red, he will be embarrassed, and will not know how to answer that sharp, intelligent question from the journalist.

But that stupid Russian journalist did not have enough astuteness, not enough intelligence, and not enough courage to ask the second question, “How could Mr. Putin support Mr. Bide who is sending weapons to Ukraine to kill Russian soldiers on the battlefield every day?”, but just stupidly remained silent, recording Mr. Putin’s answers like a high school student, which is shameful for the stupid press of Russia.

I have always respected Russian President Putin, and even though Mr. Putin sent troops to invade Ukraine in a wrong way, I still respected him, even though I did not support his act of aggression.

Mr. Trump was right when he said he could end the Russia-Ukraine war in 24 hours.

And recently, in February 2024, Mr. Trump continued to say correctly that the war in Ukraine must quickly settled.

Americans currently have 4 enemies: Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea.

The 2 enemies of North Korea, and Russia can talk easily.

As long as the Americans are willing to be a little humble, making some concessions, US can talk and settle things with Russia and North Korea amicably.

Mr. Trump met and talked openly with North Korean leader Kim twice, in Singapore and Hanoi.

Mr. Kim agreed and met Mr. Trump twice.

And Mr. Putin too, Mr. Trump can absolutely meet Mr. Putin somewhere to talk about right and wrong.

Mr. Trump will not be able to meet the leader Iran, and China as simply as that.

If Mr. Trump is re-elected as President of the United States, I believe that Mr. Trump will restart the program of meeting and talking openly with Mr. Kim, and will meet and play golf with Mr. Putin, and if the Americans will make some concessions, reaching an agreement with Russia and North Korea will certainly be beneficial to world peace.///


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