Silly, idiot advice from doctors in disease prevention, health improvement, and body resistance

W.Minh Tuan

Try surfing the web, web surfing, on issues of disease prevention, health improvement, and enhancing the body’s resistance, you will find a lot of advice from so-called doctors and experts, medical expert, health expert, scientist, with all the prestigious labels, such as professor, doctorate, world-famous scientist, then expert of the World Health Organization WHO,,,and they are working in, or are the owners of medical companies, pharmaceutical companies, or laboratories, hospitals, private clinics,,, so that they can prove that they are having success in the practice of medical examination and treatment, then they give advises on health issues, treatment, and disease prevention.

I would like to cite one example of a very popular website, the address is:, with a slogan on that website shouting loudly as follows: Better information, better health.

This website provides advice on preventing infectious and contagious diseases as follows:

Wash your hands, wear a mask, get vaccinated, social distance, ,,,,.

These are the advice of the so-called WHO-Wolrd Health Organization, and this website repeats them like parrots.

In Vietnam, we have experienced the pain of the stupid, suicidal policy of Social Distancing two years ago, which blocked all roads, children were not allowed to visit their father, and wives were not allowed to visit husbands, friends, relatives, and colleagues are prohibited from going to each other’s houses, all streets and villages are blocked to strictly implement Social Distancing – as advised by the WHO, and the results is that only the socio-economy is destroyed and broken, and the corona COVID19 pandemic cannot prevent anything.

What about vaccines?

20% of the world does not vaccinate. Those who do not vaccinate live as healthy as those who have been vaccinated, if not healthier than those who have been vaccinated.

No vaccinated, no one has died from vaccination. There are no complications symptoms such as hair loss, hair loss, memory loss, loss of taste, impaired health,,,,.

As for human resistance, the human body has natural resistance. Every disease that infects our body, our body produces its own antibodies to fight the disease, no need for a vaccine at all.

Now, vaccine advocates say that resistance is due to vaccines.

This is just something like “Ly Thong stole Thach Sanh’s credit”-a Vietnamese saying story.

Look at people who don’t get vaccinated, how come they are still healthy and can still resist all diseases? Don’t they need vaccines to fight against all kinds of diseases, infectious and contagious diseases?

Look at wild animals, they don’t need vaccines, why do they live healthy lives, without any diseases?

Look at prehistoric humans, they lived healthy lives, they didn’t need any vaccines.

Look at the Influenza pandemic in 1918, during World War I, people also applied the same measures as today to prevent COVID19, such as masks, hand washing, disinfection, vaccines, and physical distancing, social distancing,,,.

But the 1918 Influenza pandemic came and gone completely independent of those panic measures.

It seems that there is only one effective measure, that is, the human body produces its own antibodies to fight the pandemic, so after the pandemic raged, it had to give in to resistance of human nature, so it must retreat and disappear.

And healthy people, with better immunity, are still alive and healthy.

The same is true for infectious diseases today. Healthy people with better natural immunity do not get sick.

And humans in general, after being infected for a period of time, their bodies produce antibodies that can fight the disease, so the disease must retreat and disappear.

All things like masks, social distancing, hand washing, disinfection, vaccines, medicines, etc., all have no effect.

People must live healthily and in accordance with nature, then they will be healthy and prevent diseases.

The more hygienic, antibacterial, clean, the more you wear a mask, the more you wash your hands, the more you avoid touching your face and nose, the more you hide to avoid contact with each other, the sicker and weaker people become, the more you cannot have the ability to prevent disease.

The more you go to the doctor, the more you take medicine, the more side effects of the medicine you get, the more harmful it is to your health.

All so-called medicines actually always have side effects, and the harmful side effects are often greater than the good therapeutic effects.

I had diarrhea because I ate raw squid. On the first day, I had more than 20 bowel movements. My body was dehydrated and lost electrolytes. I only came out with clear water, no stool at all.

I went to the doctor and they gave me medicine. Not only did it not cure me, but I had bloody stools.

I threw away the medicine, took roasted brown rice, added water to the golden roasted rice, boiled it and drank it, mixed with a little salt.

Then, cook mixed porridge, containing all kinds of nutrients, including chicken meat, pork meat, chopped vegetables, and add in that pot of mixed porridge, cook it, eat it to nourish the body.

After 3 days, the diarrhea stopped, solid stools began to come out, and after 1 week, I completely recovered.

I had a toothache, went to the dentist, he advised me to come in to have my teeth checked once a month, and advised me to have a few cavities extracted, plugged up.

I don’t have teeth extracted, don’t go to the dentist anymore, and eat a balanced diet, eat enough nutrients, enough calcium, enough lean meat, fatty meat, fish, eggs,,,, don’t eat sweets, don’t eat sour foods made harm tooth enamel.

It has now been several years since I went to the dentist, and I will never go to the dentist again.

I was constipated. I went to the doctor and he prescribed a tube of ointment to apply to my anus to make bowel movements smooth and easy.

I used it a few times, then threw that tube of ointment away and never used it again.

I bought a blender-mixer- and make smoothies every day as follows:

-a piece of baked sweet potato with the skin, a piece of carrot with the skin, a piece of cucumber with the skin, a piece of lettuce, a piece of kiwi with the skin, a piece of apple with the skin, a piece of banana with whole shell, a little salt, put in blender and puree, eat this smoothy every day, one cup, or two cups a day, it’s a bit mushy, use a spoon to eat.

Since then, constipation has stopped and bowel movements have been easy.

It is truly a miracle cure for constipation.

I call this dish Roasted Mixed Sweet Potatoes – a miracle cure for constipation.

And I call roasted rice water mixed with salt a miracle medicine to cure diarrhea.

There are many ways to live in harmony with nature to have good health and be disease-free.

For example, take a hot-cold shower every morning, 20 seconds of hot water, 20 seconds of cold water, do that several times.

Go barefoot, no shoes, exercise, drink coffee, sunbathe, live outdoors more than indoors, build muscles, for example weightlifting, run once a week, eat a balanced, nutritious diet, enough meat, fat, fish, eggs, cheese, butter, vegetables of all kinds,,,.

Dishes with many colors are good for the eyes, for example, dishes with the red color of carrots, red peppers, yellow color of pumpkin, green color of green leafy vegetables, white color of radishes, bean sprouts,,,.

Such colorful dishes are very good for the eyes.

The dish has many strong flavors, especially good for antibiotics, fighting against colds and diseases, for example garlic, ginger, pepper, herbs of all kinds.

No doctor advises you to do so.

They only advise you on ways to rely on them, to buy medicine, so they can make money.

As for my advice above, I don’t earn any money from you, but if you follow it, you will be healthy, disease-free, and your personality will be happier, more gentle, and less irritable, less crime, less dark and shady thoughts, society is healthier and happier.



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