The American press has changed its tone, from cursing Mr. Trump loudly, to now brazenly admitting that “We predicted correctly, Mr. Trump won big in Iowa.”

W.Minh Tuan

Since the beginning of 2023, when America begins the US Presidential election campaigns, preparing for the Presidential election in November 2024, I have noticed that 99.9% of the US press, mass media has the following trends: :

1-Reporting public opinion polls of the press, and of American voter opinion research organizations, about which candidate receives what percentage of support from American voters.

2-The press gives personal analysis and personal comments from journalists and researchers, and mostly curses loudly at Mr. Trump, following the official opinion of the current US President, Mr. Biden, and in accordance with the opinions of the judges and attorneys who are trying to impeach Mr. Trump, and US press try to shape American public opinion, that they should not support Mr. Trump, that Mr. Trump is a traitor, unti-democracy, dictatorship, Trump is crime, anti-American interests, etc.

I hardly see any articles with a tone supporting former President Donald Trump, most of them are cursing, criticizing, and pulling all kinds of information from all old and new sources to educate the public of American voters, that they should not support Mr. Trump, that other candidates such as DeSantis, Governor of Florida, Nikki Haley, former Governor of South Carolina, former US Ambassador to the United Nations, and very aggressive young rich billionaire candidate Vivek Ramaswamy,,,are better than Mr. Trump, more democratic than Mr. Trump, more talented than Mr. Trump, more moral than Mr. Trump,,,

And every time current US President Biden has a critical opinion or curses at Mr Trump, the US press immediately juggles, praises, and reports loudly to support Mr Biden, and wants to shape public opinion that America should support Mr. Biden, that under Mr. Biden’s leadership, America is developing, has many jobs, is strong, is on the right track,,,.

When Mr. Trump was ordered by the court to take a mocking face identification photo, the American press raced to show this mocking face image to the press, to joke, to curse, that Mr. Trump was about to be sentenced, is about to go to jail, that Mr. Trump has lost all hope of being a US presidential candidate.

Then, in the middle of last year 2023, when Alaska Governor Nancy Dahlstrom spoke out in support of Mr. Trump, saying that Mr. Trump’s first term 2016-2020, under the leadership of US President Donald Trump, US was happier now, under Mr. Biden’s leadership, but the American press reported very coldly, briefly, indifferently about Madam Nacy support of Trump, instead, US press immediately loudly published a series of articles, comments, analysis cursed Mr. Trump, overwhelming the short news of Governor Nancy supporting Mr. Trump.


Then now, everything changed so quick, that, on January 15, 2024, the state of Iowa voted to choose the American candidate of the Republican Party, overwhelmingly choosing Mr. Trump, with 51% of the votes in support, while other candidates were far behind.

The American press immediately changed its tone, brazenly admitting that “we predicted correctly, former US President Donald Trump won big in Iowa!!!”.

I used to be a journalist, a reporter for Dai Doan Ket newspaper in Hanoi, worked as a journalist in Vietnam for 17 years, was Head of the News-Economic-Political Department of the newspaper, and was a member of the People’s Council of Hanoi of the 1994-1999 term, was the first independent, self-nominated candidate in Vietnam, when the Vietnam communist party allowed independent candidates in Vietnam.

And now, I am a Vietnamese teacher at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, and a freelance reporter, freelance journalist, opening this website myself: , and the non-drug treatment website:

I have come to understand that in the Vietnamese journalism industry, as well as the American press and the world press, there are many talented and honest journalists who write articles and report news to serve the interests of the majority of people and guide them, lead public opinion in the right direction.

But I also know that there are many opportunistic journalists who write tabloids, report dishonest news, fake news, and are only one-sided to support the powerful and criticizing the weak, without caring about the “minority does not mean it is wrong, majority does not mean it is right”.

15 years ago, cowardly and ignorant journalists in Vietnam have had gathered together to attack the national benefit project of the North-South Shinkansen High Speed Railroad, which the Japanese Government plans to lend Vietnam about 30 billion USD in ODA capital to build it, and it would be very benefited the Vietnam country for hundreds of years.

However, corrupt opportunistic journalism in Vietnam has severely criticized this North-South railway project, causing the Vietnamese National Assembly to vote to reject this project, and now, in 2023-2024, the Vietnamese Government must restart the North-South high-speed railway project again, but the Japanese Government no longer has enough confidence and reserves, finance to support Vietnam anymore.

The same goes for the American press.

Besides many talented, honest and courageous American journalists, there are also many corrupt, incompetent and cowardly American journalists who only know how to follow the current leader and follow the current judges, courts, to attack those who are at a disadvantage.

And now, the results of the vote in Iowa January 2024 have shown that Mr. Trump is actually being elected by a large number of public opinions in Iowa state.

American voters have a different way of thinking and evaluating of the American press and Mr. Biden.

A week ago, in early January 2024, President Biden also launched two major conferences to give two major speeches cursing Mr. Trump, saying that Mr. Trump incited the destruction of the US Capitol building in 2020, and Mr. Trump is a dictator and anti-democratic.

But today, January 16, 2024, after just over a week, Mr. Biden had to change his tone, speaking very gently, no longer cursing harshly like a week ago, saying “Looks like Donald Trump just won Iowa”.

Mr. Biden respectfully and politely called Mr. Trump’s full name, Donald Trump, no longer arrogantly calling him “handsome guy” – like when Mr. Trump was mocking photographed identifying himself in court last year 2023.

There are still 10 months until the US Presidential election in November 2024, but I have predicted, and continue to predict, that Mr. Trump will win his second term as President of US.

Why do I always support Mr. Trump?


-Mr. Trump is a simple person, he says what he thinks, he doesn’t hide it discreetly like Mr. Biden.

-Mr. Trump’s policy is also simple, clear, everyone understands, and clearly sees it as immediately beneficial to America, and therefore, to the peace-loving world.

However, there is one thing I do not support Mr. Trump, which is that he calls for revenge against those who tried and investigated him, that is not advisable.

A President does not need to do that petty small thing, let history judge, and American public opinion, as well as world public opinion, are very fair, fairly evaluating who is right and who is wrong.

There is a very good saying in English: Let by gones be by gones.“-let what has passed, let it pass, don’t repeat it again”.

But I don’t believe Mr. Trump will take revenge.

I believe that after Mr. Trump is re-elected as President of the United States, he will be busy with the work of leading the US country, he will soon ignore the cases of abusing against him in the past, and he will trying to end the Ukraine war, ending the Gaza conflict, and will make the American people happier, safer, and through that, the world will also be affected, safer, happier, and more peaceful.///


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