The world still does not fully understand the character of Russians, as they continue to vote for Mr. Putin, while most of the peace-loving world hates him

W.Minh Tuan

In March 2024, the Russian President, respected by Russians, was re-elected as Russian President for a 5th term lasting another 6 years, 2024-2030, while most of the peace-loving world hates him, because he invaded Ukraine.

The world still does not fully understand the character of the Russian people, the soul of the Russian people, the way of thinking of the Russian people, the culture of the Russian people, the history of the Russian people, or the silence, patience, and cowardice of the Russian people, or is their courage regardless of the world’s reaction?

Mr. Putin was born in 1952, enrolled into the Saint Petersburg State University, majoring in law, in 1970, at the age of 18, and graduated after 5 years of study, in 1975, at the age of 23.

Immediately after graduating from law school, he joined the intelligence and national security forces, belonging to the KGB-National Security Committee, and learned German language, and was sent to East Germany and Berlin, worked as an intelligence officer to collect information from West Germany, and from the Western Capitalists.

His intelligence life changed in 1991, after 16 years as an intelligence officer, when the Soviet Union and the entire Eastern European socialist camp collapsed, so he asked to leave the intelligence service, with the position of retired as intelligence major.

The fate that led Mr. Putin to political activities was from 1990, when he was still working at the KGB, at that time, Mr. Putin was appointed as an Advisor on international affairs to the Mayor of Leningrad city Sobchack.

After 1 year of being an advisor to Mr. Sobchak, the Soviet Union collapsed, and in 1996, Mr. Sobchack also lost his position as Mayor, but Mr. Sobchack had many relationships with many big figures in the President’s office of New Russian President Boris Eltsin.

6 years working for Mr. Sobchack built a close relationship between Mr. Sobchack and the young officer Putin, so Mr. Sobchack introduced Putin to his friends, so that Mr. Putin could work in the Presidential office of the new President Eltsin, with a rather large position, is Deputy Director of the Property Management Department of the Office of the President of Russia.

2 years later, in 1998, Russian President Eltsin reformed the KGB, changing its name to the Federal Security Service (FSB), and Mr. Eltsin chose someone from his Presidential office to be the Director of the FSB – there is no one more suitable than the former KGB employee Putin.

One year later, in 1999, Mr. Eltsin realized that he needed to find someone to replace him as President of Russia in the 2000 Russian presidential election, and that person had to be loyal to Mr. Eltsin, not to dig up old cases of former President Eltsin, not allow to bring former President Eltsin to trial for certain cases, like Mr. Biden is currently in the US, in 2023, 2024, is turning on green light to try former US President Trump over a series of old cases.

There was no one more suitable than the young FSB Director Putin, who was only 47 years old at that time.

Mr. Eltsin clearly stated how he considered and selected Mr. Putin to replace Mr. Eltsin in Mr. Eltsin’s memoir, titled “Midnight Diary”, which was published by the Public Security Publishing House in Vietnam, translated and published in Vietnamese in 2001.

It can be said that Mr. Putin becoming President of Russia was destined by heaven, by God, that Mr. Putin also did not expect it, nor did Mr. Eltsin expect it, but it was the change in the times of Russian politics that decided it.

Mr. Eltsin is an experienced politician.

He understands very well how to ensure that Mr. Putin is definitely be elected in the 2000 Russian Presidential election.

First, in August 1999, Mr. Eltsin appointed Mr. Putin as Acting Prime Minister of Russia.

After 4 months of Mr. Putin as Acting Prime Minister of Russia, in December 1999, Mr. Eltsin resigned as President, and appointed Acting Prime Minister of Russia Putin as Acting President of Russia.

All are correct according to the Russian Constitution.

After 3 months of Mr. Putin being Acting President of Russia, in March 2000, there was the Russian Presidential election.

We all realize that the strongest and most prestigious Presidential candidate is certainly the Acting Prime Minister, and then the Acting President of Russia, which is Mr. Putin.

4 months as Acting Prime Minister, and 3 months as Acting President have ensured Mr. Putin’s resounding presence in the young Russian political scene, without any other presidential candidate being able to compete with him, Mr. Putin.

Therefore, Mr. Eltsin prepared very carefully for Mr. Putin to be sure 100% elected President of Russia in March 2000.

The natural result was that Mr. Putin was easily elected President of Russia in 2000.

And in May 2000, President Eltsin handed over the position of President of Russia to his biological disciple Putin, and peacefully returned to the garden to fish and retire.

It can be said that when he first became President of Russia, Mr. Putin did not know how to be President, so he just worked and studied, and he learned very quickly.

Mr. Putin has a simple and straightforward personality, speaks frankly, without insinuations or half-meanings like experienced politicians, so he is very popular with the Russian public and world public opinion.

Almost all Russian people, and the people of the world, love Russian President Putin, and indeed, he has done many good things for Russia, and for world peace.

Under the leadership of Russian President Putin, Russia has developed dramatically in all aspects, GDP has increased continuously, the material and spiritual living standards of Russians have increased very high, and many Russians feel satisfied with Putin’s leadership.

However, Mr. Putin’s resounding success and absolute high prestige in Russia also had a negative side effect on him, making him gradually lose his original simplicity and common sense, and gradually made him aggressive, arrogant, and dictatorial.

In fact, if he still maintains his original, simple, rustic personality, then if he remains President of Russia for many more terms, lasting 20 years, 30 years, 40 years,,,,he is still loved and respected by the Russian people and the world, just like President Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam, who was President from 1945, until 1969, when he passed away, for 24 years, was still respected by the Vietnamese people and many people around the world respect and love him Hochiminh.

However, Mr. Putin cannot maintain a compassionate personality like President Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam.

He gradually became aggressive, suppressed other voices within Russia, and sent troops to invade neighboring countries, and intervened in the Syrian conflict,,,.

And the most harmful and evil thing is that he invaded Ukraine from February 2022, until now, March 2024, more than 2 years ago.

The Russian Constitution only allows the Russian President to serve two terms.

So after 2 presidential terms, each term was 4 years, 2 terms were 8 years, from 2000 to 2008, Mr. Putin pretended to stop running for President, letting his disciple Medvedev do it to become a President for 1 term, 2008-2012.

In 2012, Putin returned to run for President of Russia, and of course won resoundingly.

At that time, Mr. Putin changed the Russian Constitution, extending the Presidential term from 4 years to 6 years.

Therefore, the two terms of the Russian President last 12 years, from 2012 to 2024.

And Mr. Putin also changed the Constitution to no longer limit two presidential terms, so this year, 2024, Mr. Putin can properly run for President for a third term, without fear of violating the Russian Constitution.

With no limit to two presidential terms, we are sure Mr. Putin will be President of Russia for life, until he goes to meet “Marx and Lenin in the heaven world.”

The whole world saw that Mr. Putin began to use devious political tricks to continue his year as President of Russia, so the whole peace-loving world began to hate him and no longer love him like before.

But the Russian people still seem to think differently.

In March 2024, they will continue to vote for Mr. Putin to be elected for the 5th term as President of Russia.

And although the entire peace-loving world opposes Mr. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, it seems that the majority of Russians still support Mr. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Indeed, the whole world still does not fully understand the character of Russian people.

But Iraq’s Hussein also had a similar story.

Before the Americans attacked Iraq in 2001, Iraqi President Hussein also opened a referendum in support of Hussein, and Hussein received 100% support of the votes of the Iraqi people.

But after just over a month, when the US military attacked Iraq, and the Iraqi army fled in disarray, the Iraqi people who just a month ago voted to support Mr. Hussein, are now the Iraqi people toppled the statues of Mr. Hussein, and instructed American soldiers to capture Mr. Hussein alive in an underground bunker.

So we don’t know for sure whether Russians truly support Mr. Putin, or if it’s just “following the direction of wind blows”?

As long as Mr. Putin is still in power, he will still be supported by Russian people.

But when he run out of power, then he will run out of support?

Let’s wait and see how the course of Russian and world history will turn.///


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