There is only one solution to the Ukraine war: Remove the arrest warrant against President Putin, maintain the status quo, ceasefire, negotiate territory later

W.Minh Tuan

In recent days in early November 2023, both Russia and Ukraine gave exciting news of victory on their side.

On the Russian side, Defense Minister Shukhoi excitedly reported that the Russian side had shot down 24 Ukrainian fighter jets, and basically, the Russian side had mastered the entire sky of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian side sneered at the information on this Russian paper, not reality on the battlefield, and reported that the Russian side had suffered heavy losses of more than 70% of its troops during more than 3 months of counterattack by the Ukrainian army.

Russian President Putin predicted that the war in Ukraine will end when the Ukrainian side’s resources are exhausted.

But commentators in the world say that if the Ukrainian side runs out of resources, then the Russian side also runs out of resources, so it is unknown which side runs out of resources first.

The Russian side has not announced any general mobilization of the army, so recruiting troops will certainly be difficult.

Russia relies on Wagner mercenaries, showing that they lack a regular army and must rely on mercenaries who are common prisoners in Russian prisons.

And the actual battlefield situation shows that this Wagner mercenary fights better than the Russian regular army, showing that the Russian regular army’s fighting quality is poor in both fighting technique and fighting spirit.

As for the Ukrainian side, the recruitment of troops is certainly more favorable than the Russian side, because they can mobilize the entire population to take up arms, which means the righteous anti-aggression position has enabled them to launch the People’s War against Russian invasion.

But the Chief of the General Staff of the Ukrainian Army announced in early November 2023 that the current battlefield situation is deadlocked, the Ukrainian army’s advance according to counter-attack plans has been slow, and has not been achieved as planned.

This Chief of the General Staff of Ukraine seems to lack of qualifications, lack of understanding, and lack of command ability, because he said he did not understand that the reason for the war’s stagnation was due to the poor capabilities of Ukrainian soldiers, or those of Ukrainian commander, or else.

If the Chief of the General Staff of the Ukrainian Army does not understand the reason for the war’s stagnation, then who can understand that reason?

This Chief of Staff should be replaced by another, better commander.

Hello, Mr. President of Ukraine Zelenskii, please send someone to interview Ukrainian soldiers who are fighting on the battlefield, to hear what these soldiers have to say and to comment on the current battlefield situation, and not rely on opinionss of top commanders.

Soldiers on the battlefield will give their opinions on why the battlefield situation is stagnant, what should be done, how to fight, which commanders are good, which commanders are not good,,, ,.

That ignorant Chief of General Staff of Ukraine also said that now the battlefield situation only depends on new technological weapons.

If so, then there is no need for him, just scientists working in laboratories on new weapons to decide the fate of the war.

In the opinion of this ignorant Chief of the General Staff of Ukraine, the war in Ukraine will be a war of scientists in new weapons laboratories, not a war of soldiers and commanders talented, brave, knows how to fight and dares to fight on the battlefield.

We know that no matter how modern a war is, no matter how modern weapons are, if there are no brave and clever soldiers, and brave and clever commanders who know how to fight, and dare to fight, then the modern weapons will be useless, destroyed, those modern weapons are just toys with little effect, if not ineffective.

If the Ukrainian side and allied countries such as the US, UK, France, Germany, etc. have modern weapons, then the Russian side also has modern weapons, and it is unknown “which cat will eat which dog”.

Whose weapon is better than whose weapon?

The Ukraine war has lasted for more than a year, almost two years, and both Russian and Ukrainian sides are tired, both have suffered heavy losses, and are both running out of resources.

It’s time for the Ukraine-US, UK, France, Germany side to proactively propose to Russia:

1-Maintain the status quo of the battlefield,


3-Establish a demilitarized zone,

4-Negotiation on the territorial issues later.

5-The International Court annulled the arrest warrant against Russian President Putin.

Only the 5-point solution mentioned above can end the Russia-Ukraine war quickly, reduce suffering for the people of both countries, and reduce the burden, as well as reduce the atmosphere of war around the world.

Regarding this 5-point solution, it would be better for the Ukrainian side to proactively propose it to Russia.

Because the Russian side will certainly not proactively propose, because there is a delicate issue of the International Court’s Arrest Order for Russian President Putin, the Russian side does not want to be humiliated and lose face with the world if it has to volunteerily proposed to “ask” the International Court to cancel this arrest warrant.

Only the Ukrainian side is in a position to propose the removal of this Arrest Warrant.

This is a thorn, a lump, a nail, a delicate point that prevents the Russian side from proposing its own solutions to the ceasefire with Ukraine.

Former US President Trump spoke in early November 2023 about ceasefire solutions within 1 day – 24 hours.

Mr. Trump said that if he is re-elected as President of the United States, he will end the Ukraine war in 1 day – 24 hours, because Mr. Trump will talk to Russian President Putin, and to Ukrainian President Zelenskii, and asked those two Presidents to end the war.

Mr. Trump’s conditions are:

-If Russia does not end the war, the US will increase weapons aid to Ukraine.

-If the Ukrainian side does not end the war, the US will cut all aid to Ukraine.

It seems that Mr. Trump’s solution is very simple and effective.

But Mr. Trump’s solutions need to be more specific. According to the 5-point solution mentioned above, they will be more effective.

Mr. Zelenskii responded to Mr. Trump that Mr. Zelenskii wanted to invite Mr. Trump to visit Ukraine, and that Mr. Zelenskii would talk to Mr. Trump for 24 minutes, to explain to Mr. Trump that there cannot be a ceasefire, the war cannot be ended alone as simple as that.

Recently, the press and public opinion in the US Government have begun to talk about the fact that the US Government should not think about the possibility of Ukraine winning the war, but think about the possibility that Ukraine will not win the war.

And what is the scenario of “Ukraine does not win”? No one has a clear answer.

With the 5-point solution mentioned above, after the Russians withdraw from Ukraine, Ukraine only has to deal directly with the puppet governments in those Donets regions.

Ukrainians should understand that 5-point Solution themselves, no one will help them implement that 5-point Solution.

Only Ukrainians who understand and propose that 5-point solution to the Russians can quickly end the war.///


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