Türkiye will participate in the construction of Vietnam’s Long Thanh airport, near Saigon, to replace Tan Son Nhat airport

W.Minh Tuan

The world knows that Turkey with President Erdogan has a tough policy not to follow the US and EU, he often makes it difficult for the US and EU in many foreign policies.

At home, Mr. Erdogan severely punishes the coup d’etats who oppose him. Outside of the country, he is uncompromising on many issues with the EU and the US.

Erdogan has just supported Ukraine in fighting to protect the country, he has sold and donated to Ukraine many missiles and drones to fight Russia. But he is still on good terms with Putin, can still shake hands and drink with Putin, but the leaders of the US and EU cannot.

A few years ago, President Erdogan ordered the Turkish air force to shoot down a Russian SU30 plane, when it mistakenly flew into Turkish airspace while on its way to Syria, destroyed this plane, and also killed the Russian pilot.

Russian President Putin was not angry at all, but actively made up with President Erdogan, then Putin invited Erdogan to Russia to drink Vodka, shook hands happily, as just an unfortunate mistake, never mind.

Recently, Mr. Erdogan threatened Sweden, saying that he does not support Sweden joining NATO, because Sweden does not strictly punish those who burn the Muslim Koran.

Under NATO law, if only one member state does not agree, the new member’s accession to NATO will not be approved.

Turkish President Erdogan is a man who seems complicated and tough to the world, but to Vietnam, he is very friendly, always giving Vietnam a lot of valuable help.

Recently, President Erdogan gave the green light to IC Holding Turkey-https://www.icholding.com.tr/en, participating in the construction of Vietnam’s Long Thanh airport, located near the airport Tan Son Nhat, to replace Tan Son Nhat airport, because Tan Son Nhat airport has become too small compared to the socio-economic development of Vietnam today.

IC İbrahim Çeçen Yatırım Holding (IC Holding), Turkey was established in 1969, operating under the umbrella of Holding, mainly carrying out business activities in the Construction, Manufacturing industries and Energy Distribution, Tourism, Industry and Infrastructure.

IC ISTAS, a subsidiary of IC Holding, will cooperate with Vietnam to build Long Thanh airport.

IC ISTAS is presented as one of the leading developers, investors and contractors in the highway, railway, airport and seaport sectors with a solid track record of complex infrastructure projects such as airports, ports, highways, tunnels, bridges, railways, power plants and medical complexes, in the Middle East, Central Asia, Europe and Russia.

IC Holding, and its subsidiary IC ISTAS are among the largest Turkish companies.

9 Vietnamese companies have cooperated with IC ISTAS-Türkiye, to establish VIETUR Company, to bid for the construction of Long Thanh airport.

Long Thanh Airport will be built by VIETUR in 3 years, from 2023, to 2026 will be completed, worth about 330 million USD.

Some Chinese companies also participated in the bidding, but failed, only Turkey’s IC ITAS company with Vietnamese joint venture companies won the bid.



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