Ukrainians should understand that proposing a ceasefire with Russia and maintaining the status quo does not mean surrender

W.Minh Tuan

In the early days of January 2024, respected President Zelenskyy of Ukraine actively visited small neighboring countries, such as Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia to convince these countries to continue supporting Ukraine in the war fight against the Russian invaders.

This also means that the sources of support for Ukraine from major countries of the EU, NATO, and Europe, such as the UK, France, Germany, Italy, seem to have been exhausted, so President Zelenskyy now has to turn to including other small and weak EU countries such as Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia to call for support for Ukraine in the fight against Russia.

When Russian troops first invaded Ukraine two years ago, there were many simple calculations that a Russian defense industry could not resist all the defense industries of the US, and the EU, NATO, Britain combined, so there was a simple prediction that Russia would soon fail in Ukraine war.

But now that the Ukraine war has entered its second year, Russia is of course tired and exhausted of resources, but Ukraine and countries supporting Ukraine such as the US, EU, and UK are also tired and exhausted resources.

At the end of 2023, the US had to ask Japan to sell Patriot 3 missiles to the US, so that the US could aid Ukraine, even though the Patriot 3 missile is an American missile, designed and licensed by the US, Japan only manufactured under US license.

But that shows that America’s arsenals have been exhausted due to having to provide aid to Ukraine over the past two years, and that the US defense industry that produces missiles is not fast enough or strong enough to produce missiles, exporting missile aid to Ukraine, so now the US has to rely on Japan’s defense industry.

And now the trip in early 2024 of Ukrainian President Zelenskyy to small neighboring countries calling on them to aid and support Ukraine has further shown the defense and economic resources of Ukraine, and of other countries supporting Ukraine is really drying up, after 2 years of Ukraine’s war.

However, President Zelenskyy still spoke very firmly, that no EU or NATO country pressured Ukraine to de-escalate and sit at the peace negotiation table with Russia.

But in fact, it was not entirely true as Mr. Zelenskyy said, because while he was talking to the President of Lithuania about the fact that Ukraine did not have any pressure from EU countries, information on the internet immediately reported that the Minister of the Italian defense ministry said from Rome that “it is time to talk diplomacy to reach peace in Ukraine.”!!!

We all know that all the peace-loving world supports Ukraine in its just war against Russian aggression. But as people say: “Force cannot satisfy the mind“, limited and weakened resources do not allow people to fulfill all their good wishes.

During the Vietnam War, in late 1972 and early 1973, Vietnam also had to sit at the negotiating table with the US to sign the Paris Agreement on peace in Vietnam, to make the Americans to withdraw their troops out from Vietnam. After that, Vietnam only had to deal with the old Saigon Government to solve the remaining problems of the Vietnam War.

The same goes for Ukrainians today, let’s sit at the negotiating table with Russia, let Russian troops withdraw from Ukraine, then Ukraine will use other diplomatic and military measures to handle Donbas territorial issues latter.

Getting Russian troops to withdraw from Ukraine is the wisest temporary measure.

After that, Ukraine only has to deal with those self-proclaimed puppet governments in Donbas,,,

It will be much simpler.

But there is also a very delicate, sensitive little thorn in the peace negotiations with Russia, which is the International Court’s arrest warrant for Russian President Putin.

Surely peaceful solutions in Ukraine must go hand in hand with the cancellation of this thorny arrest order, otherwise, the Russian side will never sign a peace agreement with Ukraine.

The International Court issued an arrest warrant for Mr. Putin in hopes of ending the war in Ukraine early, but in fact, it has caused a significant and subtle obstacle to the peace negotiation process in Ukraine.

The Russian side will certainly not pay any attention to this Arrest Warrant, because the Russian side does not recognize both this International Court and this Arrest Warrant.

But everyone can see that if this Arrest Warrant is not removed, Russian President Putin will not be able to travel abroad freely and comfortably after the Ukraine war ends.

And Mr. Putin will certainly never accept that situation when signing a peace agreement with Ukraine.

That is, the peace agreement in Ukraine will never be signed, if that ridiculous Arrest Warrant of the International Court is not removed.

And all diplomatic efforts to sign a peace agreement in Ukraine will be wasted if the Arrest Warrant against Mr. Putin is not thrown away.

Therefore, the Italian Minister of Defense’s proposal for diplomatic solutions to peace in Ukraine will take a long time to be implemented.

And the US election is coming, Mr. Trump will win, and America will quickly end all support and aid for Ukraine war.

Ukrainians and the EU, NATO, and Britain should see that soon.///


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