Why do people get sick?

South Vietnam lost the war in 1975 is one worse disease

W.Minh Tuan-from world press

Two American researchers, medical scientist Randolph Nesse and evolutionary biologist George Williams, both founders of Darwinian medicine, have sought to find the evolutionary causes of human diseases that people usually get it.

They posed the question, “Why hasn’t the process of millions of years of evolution eliminated all those genes that exist only to torture or kill humans?”

According to them, many diseases are necessary, not superfluous-unnecessary for humans, because “the ability to bear pain is a useful act of self-defense”.

For example, fever.

A fever is often the body’s response to an infection, because many harmful germs are unable to reproduce when the body’s temperature is high.

Some types of diarrhea are actually the act of expelling a harmful germ from the body.

Fear and pain are good reactions to protect people against the possibility of dangerous trauma.

The morning discomfort of pregnant women has the duty to prevent these expectant mothers from harming their unborn children with toxins found in food and drink.

The two researchers also conceded that humanity may cannot, never win against disease.

They said we human beings are much weaker than germs and viruses, because they have the ability to reproduce very quickly more than us human beings.

“The evolution of germs in one day can go through the steps we human being need in thousands of years.”

Once the body’s immune system finds a way to fend off a certain virus, it immediately returns under a different guise-variants, and the battle begins all over again.

Even intelligence can’t help humans against these tiny killers. More and more germs are winning over antibiotics.

There are 2 evidences to prove the above pessimistic point, which are:

First, could it be that, through natural selection, some of these viruses will be able to escape the onslaught of the newest drugs on the market?

Second, does the current corona prove the above point: Humans cannot conquer diseases?

But there are many objections to this idea, arguing that these two scientists, medical scientist Randolph Nesse and evolutionary biologist George Williams, are too pessimistic.

For example, look at animals that live in the wild, they don’t have any disease, and they don’t need a doctor, they don’t need a hospital, they don’t need medicine.

Only we humans need those things.


Let’s live naturally, live strong, eat a balanced diet, reduce time on the internet, do exercise, give up bottled drinks, soft drinks,,,.

Surely we will be healthy, and overcome all diseases. ///


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